Sharing Our Good News (02/19/21)


STEM Teachers honored as Apple Awards

Congratulations to our Apple Award Winners! All three were presented with flowers/gift as part of the announcement.

Joe Smith

Joe Smith Apple Award Winner

Michelle Gasser

Michelle Gasser Apple Award Winner

Rebecca Lein

Rebecca Lein Apple Award Winner

STEM Staff Trained in Mental Health First Aid for Youth

20 members of our secondary staff were trained in Mental Health First Aid for Youth on Friday, Feb. 12.

Mental Health First Aid Zoom

eCybermission Interview with Time Kid of the Year Gitanjali Rao

eCybermission conducted an interview with STEM student Gitanjali Rao, who was named the TIME Kid of the Year in December of 2020. Rao is a former eCybermission National Finalist and participant. Check out the complete interview via the button below.

eCybermission Time Kid of the Year Interview

Ava Mitchell Earns Gold Key in Scholastic Art & Writing Contest

Congratulations to Ava Mitchell who received a Gold Key in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards for her piece, “Dueling Futures.” Her artwork will move on to the National Competition.

Dueling Futures - Ava Mitchell
Ava Mitchell

Hannah Winans Nominated and Accepted for Congress of Future Medical Leaders

Congratulations to sophomore Hannah Winans on being nominated and accepted to the Congress of Future Medical Leaders. She will attend (virtually) the Congress on Saturday, March 20 and Sunday, March 21. The Congress is an honors-only program for high school students who want to become physicians or go into medical research fields. The purpose of this event is to honor, inspire, motivate and direct the top students in the country interested in these careers, to stay true to their dream and, after the event, to provide a path, plan and resources to help them reach their goal.

Hannah Winans Congress Award

Third Grader Anirudh Rao Earns Second Place

Congratulations to third-grader Anirudh Rao on earning a second-place finish in the junior category of the State for International Aviation Art Contest. His artwork has been sent to the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) in McLean, Va., where it will be judged in the United States of America National Aviation Art Contest in March. NASAO will also announce the winners on their website at If his art places nationally, NASAO will forward the artwork to the international contest with Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) in Switzerland.


STEM's Chinese New Year Celebration

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