Sources of Strength Logo

Sources of Strength is a best-practice youth suicide prevention program designed to change unhealthy norms and culture within schools. Our mission is to prevent suicide by increasing help-seeking behaviors and promoting positive connections between youth and caring adults.

This program is unique because it moves beyond a singular approach to prevention. Rather than solely identifying risk factors, Sources of Strength utilizes a prevention model through positivity and support.

Students in this program work together to bring hope, help, and strength to our school through a series of campaigns and initiatives to create a positive environment for all. The program also dedicates time to creating a space for open dialogues between peers in a structured but safe setting. Students can tackle tough topics with each other and adult advisors to process their struggles and hear stories of perseverance.

By strengthening students’ ability to access their strengths and promoting a culture where asking for help is encouraged, we’re ensuring that when times get tough, everyone has someone or something they can rely on.


Utilizing our strengths is so important, especially during this time. Sources of Strength Peer Leaders want to encourage you to do just that! Sources of Strength would like to share the resources below. We would like to encourage you to utilize all of your strengths and remember the power of CONNECTION, HOPE, HELP and STRENGTH!

Who to Contact

Helpful Links and Resources

Do You Need Help?

If you are feeling unsafe, have concerns about someone else’s safety or are worried about someone who may be hurting, you can make an anonymous report with Safe2Tell  or call one of the numbers listed below.
  • Safe2Tell
  • Colorado Crisis Line: (844)493-8255
  • Colorado Crisis Text Line: Text TALK to 38255
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800)273-8255
  • In an emergency, please call 911.

The Strengths Wheel

Each strength on our wheel acts as a protective factor for students who are experiencing big emotions or extreme stress. Protective factors are activities, people, or things that protect us from making impulsive decisions.

We want students to feel empowered to ask for help and lean on each other when they need support. But there will be times when students can’t access the resources available at STEM. For this reason, students must learn and recognize their unique strengths. We hope that by empowering students with these tools, they can protect themselves when they are faced with emotional distress.

Click the links below to learn more about each strength on the Sources of Strength wheel.

Sources of Strength Wheel

A supportive family can mean different things to different people. It can mean the people who live in your house with you. It can mean the people in your extended family. It can mean the people that you’ve adopted into your life as your chosen family. However family looks to you, these are the people closest to you. People you know you can rely on in times of emotional distress.

Sources of Strength-Family

If you’ve ever had a negative friend in your life, you know how important it is to have a positive friend. These are the people who support you unconditionally. They encourage you to seek help when you need it. They keep the important secrets, but they also let someone who can help know if you’re in danger or distress. You deserve to have people in your life who care about you for exactly who you are, quirks, and all.

Positive friends don’t have to be just the people you’re close with right now. There are opportunities for new positive friends around every corner. Look to your Sources of Strength, peer leaders, if you ever find yourself in need of support. They’ve joined this program because they want to be a shoulder for you to lean on in the tough times and a friend to laugh with during the good times.

Sources of Strength-Positive Friends

A mentor is someone who guides you on your journey to learn new skills. It’s usually someone who has taken the time to gain real experience and knowledge in something. Sometimes, they’re just more experienced in life in general.

Often we think of teachers, parents, bosses, or grandparents as mentors. But the truth is that anyone can be a mentor. An older sibling or even a friend can be a mentor if they’re willing to help you learn new things or offer you support as you find your way through a situation.

Sources of Strength-Mentoring

A healthy activity is a practice that gives your mind or body something it needs. Whether that something is a break, exercise, or social interaction, a healthy activity makes you feel good. What works for some doesn’t work for everyone. You might get more enjoyment out of a healthy activity that others might find difficult or boring. That’s okay! Your interests and hobbies are part of what makes you unique. Embrace what makes you happy, and provide the space for others to do the same.

Turning to a healthy activity is a great way to deal with big emotions or stress. Sometimes we need to clear our heads or take some time for ourselves. What better way to do this than curling with a book, diving head-first into a few hours of video games, or belting out a few songs in the shower.

Discover what types of activities make you happy so that when you’re in the midst of tough times, you have a few ideas stored away. If you can’t think of any, you can always try something on our list by clicking here!

Sources of Strength-Healthy Activities

Generosity is the practice of giving, and there are so many ways to be generous to others. One of the easiest and most effective ways to be generous is with time. Spend your time practicing kindness towards someone, offering an ear to listen, or helping someone in need. Giving back to your community or offering generosity and kindness to others not only makes others feel good, but it also makes us feel good too.

Here are a few examples of things you can try to practice generosity:

  • Be a listener to a friend who needs to vent
  • Make dinner for your household
  • Let a sibling join in on an activity with you
  • Give a genuine compliment to someone
  • Carry the groceries in or do a chore without being asked
  • Tell your friends something you love about them
  • Volunteer in your community
Sources of Strength-Generosity

Spirituality has many meanings depending on who you ask. For some, spirituality is directly linked with a religious practice or belief. For some, spirituality means feeling connected with the self. Others practice spirituality as a way to feel connected with the Earth. One commonality that all forms of spirituality have is mindfulness. This refers to living in the present and feeling connected with the self and others. Whether you’re writing in a gratitude journal, meditating, attending a church service, or hiking, you’re practicing spirituality and mindfulness.

No matter what spirituality looks like in your life, remember that you can tap into it as a resource when you’re feeling strong emotions.

Sources of Strength - Spirituality

Everyone’s body is different and needs different things. You don’t have to strive to look a certain way or reach a certain weight. Instead, focus on what makes you feel good. Taking care of your body can have a surprising effect on your mind. Each time you’re faced with big stress or extreme emotions, take a second to check in with yourself and ask: Are my physical needs met?

Here are some things you can do to take care of your physical health:

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Get enough sleep
  • Drink water
  • Exercise or stretch
  • Get medical care when you need it
  • Slow down when your body tells you to
Sources of Strength-Physical Health

Your emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing all encompass your mental health. Caring for your mind and your body are a great first step to nourishing your mental health. But the most important aspect of mental health is getting the support you need and deserve when you are struggling. Support can look different based on our individual needs. Sometimes what has worked in the past, doesn’t work in the present. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a trusted adult or connect with a counselor.

Check in with your friends often, especially if it seems like they could benefit from some extra support for their mental health. Just because they seem okay on the outside, doesn’t mean they’re okay on the inside. You might save a life by connecting someone with mental health support.

Sources of Strength Mental Health