Elementary News and Updates (01/12/25)

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Dear Elementary School Families, 

I hope you have stayed warm this week. Thank you for your patience with our virtual day on the first day back after break. I know it is not always ideal, but the safety of our students, families and staff are our top priority.  Students did a great job adjusting back into the routine of school. We spent some of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday reviewing both classroom and school wide expectations. Please continue to have conversations with your students about positive behavior. Click here to review our school behavior expectations. 

Winter is officially upon us. Please dress your student(s) appropriately for the day’s weather. We will be outside in the mornings and during recess most days. We will only bring students indoors in the mornings and for recess if the temperature is 20 degrees or less (wind chill factor is taken into consideration) or if there are snowy/icy conditions that make it unsafe.


Here are a few important announcements:

Early Dismissal Lunches: Starting this semester, we will no longer be serving lunch at school on early release days. This change is due to recent adjustments within the district around the state’s free lunch program, which have impacted our ability to provide lunch during shortened school days. To ensure that students stay energized and focused, we kindly ask that all students pack a substantial snack to enjoy on early release days. For students attending the BASE program after school, please note that they will need to bring a packed lunch from home. Students will eat their lunch once they arrive at the BASE program.

Middle School Course Registration Parent Info Night – 5th Grade Families ONLY: Middle school counselors will be hosting an information night on Thursday January 23rd from 5-6pm in the middle school cafeteria. This night is for all 5th-7th grade families to learn about course registration for middle school. We will review required courses and elective courses with families so that they can assist students during the course registration window. Please park in the elementary school lot and enter through the Athletic Entrance

PTO presents STEM Elementary Glow Dance: Come join us on Friday January 31st from 6-8pm for our annual Glow Dance. There will be dancing, games, crafts, food and fun. Cost is $5 per person and can be purchased in advance through MySchoolBucks. Parent(s) must attend with their student(s). This is not a drop off event. 

Yearbook: Families can order the 2024-25 yearbook by visiting the link below or going to dr-photo.com, selecting “Order Your Yearbook,” and when prompted, enter STEM The direct link is: https://www.prepaysystems.com/view/9d0spDJW/stem-highlands-ranch-elementary-yearbook


Important Dates

January 15 – STEM SAC Meeting (5:30-7:30pm)

January 16 – STEM Spelling Bee (starts at 3:30pm)

January 16 – STEM DEI Committee (4-5pm)

January 20 – MLK Day – NO SCHOOL

January 21 – Middle School Course Registration Parent Info Night for 5th grade families (5pm)

January 24 – Early Release Day 

January 27 – Kindergarten Field Trip to Colorado History Center

January 27 & 28 – 5th grade Course Selection for Middle School

January 29 – 1st grade Field Trip to Arvada Center for Arts

January 31 – PTO presents STEM Elementary Glow Dance (6-8pm)


Have a wonderful week. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 

In Partnership, Amie McElroy, Elementary Director

News and Updates

Hands Free Announcing with PikMyKid

New! If you use our West (Elementary) Driveline, you can now set up your PikMyKid to auto-announce for you as soon as you enter our parking lot. Please click the button below to view the flier that has the instructions listed on how to set up your account.

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