Elementary News and Updates (01/26/25)

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Dear Elementary School Families, 

It has been a good start to the second semester despite our inconsistent schedule with virtual days. Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate through the winter months. It will be spring soon enough. I wanted to share some exciting news with our community. Niche, a website that rates schools across the country based on academic performance, academic and other student opportunities, parent satisfaction, teacher retention etc., has come out with their rankings for 2025. I am proud to say the STEM Elementary was ranked as the #1 public elementary school in DCSD.  They also ranked STEM as #2 for the best elementary school teachers in DCSD. This is a true testament to the dedication and commitment our staff has to STEM.

My top priority at STEM is to ensure all students have a safe learning environment to achieve their fullest potential. I wanted to take a moment and explain the differences between our safety response  protocols.

  • Secure: A secure is when there is something OUTSIDE of the building that could be unsafe. For example police activity in the area or a wild animal on our property. During a secure no one is allowed in or out of the building. It is business as usual inside the building. 
  • Lockdown: A lockdown is when there is a threat or imminent danger INSIDE the building. If a lockdown is activated all staff and students are instructed to get behind a lock door and hide. 
  • Hold: A hold is when there is a situation INSIDE the building, but is not a threat or imminent danger. For example a hold could be called if emergency services entered the building for a staff/student emergency or if a student was exhibiting a behavior/tantruming in the hallway. A hold may be called for the entire building or just a section of the building. During a hold students remain in the classroom and operate as normal. 

Here are a few important announcements:

PTO presents STEM Elementary Glow Dance: Come join us on Friday January 31st from 6-8pm for our annual Glow Dance. There will be dancing, games, crafts, food and fun. Cost is $5 per person and can be purchased in advance through MySchoolBucks. Parent(s) must attend with their student(s). This is not a drop off event. 

STEM’s Got Talent Show Auditions: We are looking for talented, funny, entertaining, charismatic students to host this year’s STEM’s Got Talent on Thursday, March 6th!  Auditions for the host will take place during our talent show auditions Tuesday, January 28th and Thursday, January 30th.  If you are interested in auditioning, please sign up here.  There are two tabs in the spreadsheet, one for Tuesday and one for Thursday. 

Yearbook: Families can order the 2024-25 yearbook by visiting the link below or going to dr-photo.com, selecting “Order Your Yearbook,” and when prompted, enter STEM The direct link is: https://www.prepaysystems.com/view/9d0spDJW/stem-highlands-ranch-elementary-yearbook


Important Dates

January 27 – Kindergarten Field Trip to Colorado History Center

January 27 & 28 – 5th grade Course Selection for Middle School

January 29 – 1st grade Field Trip to Arvada Center for Arts

January 31 – PTO presents STEM Elementary Glow Dance (6-8pm)

February 4 – STEM Board Meeting (5:30pm)

February 7 – 3rd grade Field Trip to the PACE Center

February 12 – STEM PTO Meeting (6:30-8pm)

February 14 – Professional Development – NO SCHOOL

February 17 – Presidents Day  – NO SCHOOL

February 19 – STEM SAC Meeting (5:30-7:30pm)


Have a wonderful week. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 

In Partnership, 

Amie McElroy, Elementary Director

News and Updates

Hands Free Announcing with PikMyKid

New! If you use our West (Elementary) Driveline, you can now set up your PikMyKid to auto-announce for you as soon as you enter our parking lot. Please click the button below to view the flier that has the instructions listed on how to set up your account.

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