Elementary News and Updates (12/22/24)

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Dear STEM Families,

As the first semester comes to a close, we want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible growth and learning we’ve seen in our students. It has been a successful semester filled with curiosity, achievement, and joyful moments in the classroom. Your children continue to inspire us with their hard work and enthusiasm for learning.

As we enter this special holiday season, I wish you and your family warmth, happiness, and cherished time together. May your days be filled with laughter, love, and memories that last a lifetime. Thank you for your continued partnership in making this school community so extraordinary.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for a wonderful New Year!

In Partnership, 


News and Updates

Hands Free Announcing with PikMyKid

New! If you use our West (Elementary) Driveline, you can now set up your PikMyKid to auto-announce for you as soon as you enter our parking lot. Please click the button below to view the flier that has the instructions listed on how to set up your account.

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