High School News and Updates (02/02/25)

High School News and Updates (Presentation)

Upcoming Events

Professional Development Day - No School

February 14th

Fleece for Fighters Event

February 6th – 3:00 – 6:00PM @ High School Commons

Fleece for Fighter is an event that STEM TSA has participated in for more than a decade. It is a fundamental part of our TSA chapter to give back to our community by making blankets for ill children. No sewing or crafting experience required. There will also be snacks and a movie.

Donations for snacks and fleece fabric can be accepted at the secondary front office 2/3-2/6.


President's Day - No School!

February 17th

Belize Trip Meeting

February 11 – 3:00PM

Big news, families! Your student has the opportunity to travel to PANAMA in Spring 2026. We’ll be going over all the details at the info session. Use this link to register for the meeting:


TSA State Competition

February 13 – 15th

Career Discovery Corner (Internships and Career Opportunities)

UCCS College of Engineering and Applied Science - Open House

University of Colorado, Colorado Springs will be hosting their annual Open House on Thursday, January 30th from 5 pm to 7 PM. The event is your opportunity to meet faculty, current students and gain more insight on their programs. In addition there will be live demonstrations in the Aerospace and Electrical Labs. For more information, please review the attached flyer.

Explore STEM Careers - Registration Now Open

Join Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) as they explore STEM careers in multiple industries including Aerospace, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering and many more. The explorers program is held once a week from January 14th through March 11th and provides an opportunity for students to engage with sponsors from Calibre Engineering, the Forest Service, Eurofins, USACE and many more local organizations. Please review the attached flyer to learn more about the programs and to register.

BOLT Camp - Registration Now Open (Biomedical Engineering)

Are you interested in the biomedical engineering field? If so, the University of Colorado Denver, Department of Bioengineering is now accepting applications for their summer camp, BOLT (Bioengineering Opportunities and Leadership Training). BOLT is designed to introduce students to biomedical engineering design and leadership topics. The in-person camp will be held at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. For more information, please visit the CU website or review the attached flyer.

CSU SciVet Summer Program

Are you looking to learn more about science and veterinary medicine? Join CSU’s Natural Sciences Education & Outreach Center this summer as they explore scientific and veterinary practices. Students will carry out investigations, using real tools, and collecting data both in the lab and field. For more information, please visit the CSU website at https://www.cns-eoc.colostate.edu/scivet/

Attn: 10th Grade Students - Children's Hospital Healthcare Opportunity

The Medical Career Collaborative (MC2) is a health careers pathway program designed to provide students with the opportunity to gain experience and exposure to the world of healthcare and access ongoing support in pursuit of their healthcare professions. Applications are currently being accepted and must be completed by Wednesday, March 5, 2025. For more information on the program and the application process, please visit the website at https://www.childrenscolorado.org/careers/professional-development/medical-career-collaborative/

News and Updates

Update on Secondary Student IDS

Dear STEM Families,

We are dedicated to maintaining a safe environment for our students and staff. Safety is our number one priority and is a layered approach. One of the measures is to ensure that all students, staff, and visitors are identifiable on campus. Student IDs also alert office staff to who has off-campus permissions and allow students to quickly check in and out using our automated system. We ask for your continued support in ensuring your child is wearing an ID to school each day.

As time goes on, we understand that students will misplace their IDs and lanyards. We ordered another shipment of lanyards and ID holders, but our students are going through them pretty quickly.

After Fall Break, students will be charged $5 for replacements. This charge will run through their Myschoolbucks account. Please monitor the account and speak to your child about these charges if they occur.

Spartmart is looking into purchasing nicer, higher quality lanyards to sell as well and you may also purchase lanyards online.

Finally, because IDs are part of our dress code, if a student is not wearing an ID and does not have a temporary ID, they may be assigned a detention. Students have been made aware of this expectation.

Once again, we really appreciate your support. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of our building directors.

In partnership,

The STEM Admin Team

Tutoring during access in MS and HS commons

Our Math Society students are volunteering to assist with math homework during access periods (11-11:40 a.m.) on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Help will be available in both the Middle School and High School commons. Students who need support or want to catch up on homework should feel free to take advantage of this opportunity. Students should contact either their math teacher or access teacher to add their name to the list for help.

College and Career Newsletter

College and Career Planning Resources Graphic
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