Middle School News and Updates (12/22/24)

Middle School News and Updates (Presentation)

Director's Update

A message from Mrs. Ridder, Middle School Director

Dear Middle School Families, 

As another semester comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education. We have had another fulfilling semester filled with rigorous academics, team building, basketball games, theater productions, music concerts, track meets, robotics competitions, class field trips, and a host of other exciting activities and events. Now, it’s time for a well-deserved break! Winter break has begun and students will return Tuesday, January 7th. During this time, I encourage you and your family to cherish the moments that make this season special, whether it’s baking cookies, decorating the tree, or simply spending quality time together.

Changes to Secondary Spring Conferences

We heard you loud and clear in your parent feedback survey. In an effort to alleviate crowds and lines, we are changing up our conferences a bit. In an effort to avoid crowds and lines, our spring conferences will be split between last names and evenings. Therefore, our spring conferences will be held on the following dates and times: 

  • Last Name A-L – Wednesday, March 13th from 3:30 to 7 pm 
  • Last Name M-Z – Thursday, March 12th from 3:30 to 7 pm 

There will be more information forthcoming; however, as always, we urge you to reach out to teachers if you have any questions, concerns, or issues with your child’s performance. 

A few ideas to consider for Winter Break: 

  • Embrace the season: Visit a local holiday light display, go caroling, build a snowman, or have a snowball fight. 
  • Focus on family: Make time for traditions you love and create new ones together. Play board games, watch holiday movies, or volunteer in your community. Click here  for a list of some holiday activities going on in Denver.  
  • Nurture learning: Encourage your child to read books, explore their hobbies, or try a new creative activity. Learning doesn’t have to stop during break!
  • Relax and recharge: Take some time for yourself to unwind and de-stress. Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and enjoy the simple pleasures of the season.

Our dedicated teachers and staff will be back on January 7th to welcome our students for another exciting semester. In the meantime, I wish you and your loved ones a joyous and restful winter break filled with laughter, love, and lasting memories.


Maura T. Ridder

Middle School Director

News and Updates

Update on Secondary Student IDS

Dear STEM Families,

We are dedicated to maintaining a safe environment for our students and staff. Safety is our number one priority and is a layered approach. One of the measures is to ensure that all students, staff, and visitors are identifiable on campus. Student IDs also alert office staff to who has off-campus permissions and allow students to quickly check in and out using our automated system. We ask for your continued support in ensuring your child is wearing an ID to school each day.

As time goes on, we understand that students will misplace their IDs and lanyards. We ordered another shipment of lanyards and ID holders, but our students are going through them pretty quickly.

After Fall Break, students will be charged $5 for replacements. This charge will run through their Myschoolbucks account. Please monitor the account and speak to your child about these charges if they occur.

Spartmart is looking into purchasing nicer, higher quality lanyards to sell as well and you may also purchase lanyards online.

Finally, because IDs are part of our dress code, if a student is not wearing an ID and does not have a temporary ID, they may be assigned a detention. Students have been made aware of this expectation.

Once again, we really appreciate your support. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of our building directors.

In partnership,

The STEM Admin Team

Tutoring during access in MS and HS commons

Our Math Society students are volunteering to assist with math homework during access periods (11-11:40 a.m.) on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Help will be available in both the Middle School and High School commons. Students who need support or want to catch up on homework should feel free to take advantage of this opportunity. Students should contact either their math teacher or access teacher to add their name to the list for help.

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