Need Counseling Support?

If you would like to see your counselor, please fill out one of the forms to the right.

This form will be checked 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. each school day and will not be checked on weekends, holidays, or breaks. If this is an emergency and outside of school hours, PLEASE complete one of the following options:

  1. Go to your nearest emergency room or call 911
  2. Call the crisis hotline: 1-844-493-8255 or Text “TALK” to 38255
  3. Call safe2tell at 1-877-542-7233 or submit a tip on their website at

Academic Planning Guide and Forms

Middle School Counseling in Canvas

This year, a new Middle School Counseling classroom is on each student’s Canvas page. This classroom does not have any assignments or grades attached to it; however, it is more of a resource for both students and parents to use as they see necessary. Resources focused on STEM events, Mental Health, and Tutoring, as well as the MS Counselor Request Form, can be found on this Canvas page. Our priority is to be as accessible to our students as possible, and we hope you take a look.

MS Counseling Canvas Image

Middle School Policies

Availability of Classes:  While every effort will be made to provide the classes a student has requested during registration, some classes may not be available due to student enrollment numbers, staffing, and budget.

Adding/Dropping a Middle School Class:  School counselors are responsible for and make ALL possible schedule changes. Schedule changes are allowed within the first 10 days of the semester. Changes after this date are considered on an individual basis. 

Reasons for Schedule Changes Include:

  • Missing required classes
  • Level changes if appropriate
  • Teacher Request

To request a schedule change, please use our schedule change form located on our website. 

High School Credit for Middle School Students

Compliance with DCSD Policy IKF-R-2

A student may earn credits towards a Douglas County School District high school diploma prior to the official start of the 9th grade year.

    1. Credit will automatically be awarded for earning an “A” in:
      1. Any Douglas County School District high school summer session content course(s) completed preceding the start of the 9th grade year
      2. Any Mathematics course(s) which exceeds the expectation of an Algebra 1 course
      3. Any World Language course(s), which exceeds the expectations of Level 1
      4. Any content area course meeting Board of Education criteria, and which exceeds the expectations of a typical Douglas County 9th grade course, as approved by the high school building administration.
  • Students who earn a grade other than an “A” will declare during their Junior year whether or not the course will be used to meet high school graduation requirements by submitting a Declaration of Credit for Middle School Courses form to the high school registrar. Once the form is submitted, the credit cannot be removed from the high school transcript.

Core Class Placement

Students are automatically placed in standard classes. For accelerated course placement, students must meet the course qualifications located here and have a teacher recommendation. 

Accelerated Course Placement Criteria

  • High Academic Achievement
  • Self-motivated and self-discipline
  • Good organizational skills
  • Follows STEM’s attendance policy
  • Maintains high standards of academic integrity

Course Descriptions for High School Courses

Please see the High School Academic Planning Guide at


Course Fees –As per STEM Charter Board policy, where additional charges are required for specific courses, the costs will be noted in the course description. *Fees are subject to change.

Math Progression and Policy

  • 6th and 7th grade students in Algebra 1 or higher will need to earn an 80% or higher to move on to the next class.
  • Course I, Course II, and Pre-Algebra students in above grade-level classes will not be recommended to move on without a 70% or higher in class.
  • Students in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, or higher will not be recommended to move on without an 80% or higher in class.

Middle School Scope & Sequence

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade
  • Language Arts 6
  • Accelerated Language Arts 6
  • Language Arts 7
  • Accelerated Language Arts 7
  • Language Arts 8
  • Accelerated Language Arts 8
  • Science 6
  • Accelerated Science 6
  • Science 7
  • Accelerated Science 7
  • Science 8
  • Accelerated Science 8
  • Social Studies 6
  • Accelerated Social Studies 6 
  • Social Studies 7
  • Accelerated Social Studies 7 
  • Social Studies 8
  • Accelerated Social Studies 8
Math Course I* Math Course II* Pre-Algebra*
  • Computer Science 1 (must take)

*Can take Computer science 2 or MS Game Design only after Computer Science 1 is complete

  • Computer Science 2
  • MS Game Design
  • MS  Networking & 


  • Pi’s and Python
Engineering 1


Intro to Robotics

Engineering 2 


Intro to Robotics


Middle School Best Robotics



Engineering 3


Intro to Robotics


Middle School Best Robotics



*6 Electives **6 Electives **6 Electives

*When determining math placement we look at a body of evidence, to include i ready scores, teacher recommendation and previous math courses.  All students must complete a math placement exam given by the STEM School Highlands Ranch Math department. 

**Number of electives in 7th and 8th grade depend on Engineering course chosen