Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year
STEM Express Check-in
STEM Express Check-In
- This process will require ALL families to review and acknowledge receipt and understanding of the following items:
- Student-Parent Handbook
- Student Fees
- Financial Responsibility Agreement
- Health Services Procedures and Forms
- Translation Services
- Apps and Websites Used
- Technology Acceptable Use Policy (Internet, Network and Technical Devices)
- Driveline Procedures, Conduct and Transportation Management Plan
- Volunteering at STEM
- Communications at STEM
- Free/Reduced Lunch Information
Resources for Parents
Please click the buttons below to find out more information on important resources for the start of the school year.
Important Medical Forms for 2024-25 School Year
We are very excited to welcome back our students to STEM for the 2024-24 school year. We want to make sure all students with medication needs have the proper forms on file at the beginning of the school year. Please review the DCSD medication policies for Elementary students and for Secondary students if your child requires medication while at school, their physician will need to fill out the following forms before the first day of school. These forms can be returned to our K-12 school nurse, Mallory Jimenez, at nurse@stemk12.org or turned in to one of the health offices along with the medication starting on August 1.
Elementary Students (K-5)
- The use of medication at school is discouraged in most instances. Most medications are available in long acting form and parents are encouraged to administer such medication at home.
- Medication to be given at school (prescription medication and over-the-counter) must have a completed Student Medication Request and Release Agreement and Provider Authorization form on file.
- All prescription medication must be furnished in the original pharmacy-labeled container, with the student’s name, medication, dosage, and physician on the label. Over-the-counter medications must be in an original container (these requirements are state regulations). Medication in baggies will not be accepted.
Middle School Students (6-8)
Middle school students may assume responsibility for bringing to school and administering their own medication, provided they carry only enough for one day and have the “Permission to Self-Carry and Self-Admin Medication” form on file in the school office. Students using poor judgment in carrying and taking their own medication will have such medication confiscated by school personnel, and parents or guardians will be notified. A structured plan will then be developed for the administration of the medication. Any parent or guardian who chooses not to sign the permission to carry medication form may request that a structured plan be devised for his or her student.
High School Students (9-12)
High school students may assume the responsibility of bringing to school and administering their own medication, provided they carry only enough for one day. Students who appear to be using poor judgment in carrying and taking their own medication will have such medication confiscated by school personnel, and parents or guardians will be notified. A structured plan will then be developed for the administration of medication. Any parent may also request that a structured plan be devised for their student. On an overnight field trip, students may bring enough medication for the duration of the field trip.
Helpful Links
Secondary Grades
The fee for a locker will be $5 Lockers will be assigned beginning on July 17, 2024. If your student has received a locker, the fee will be in your My School Bucks account. Students that have paid the fees, will receive their locker number and combination through email.
Getting Involved at STEM
Please click the buttons below to find out more information on how to get involved at STEM.
The STEM Experience
Enrichment at STEM is the place students can find all of the school’s after-school, summer, and other enrichment offerings. Because many of the offerings are as unique as our school is, we invite students from throughout the Denver metro area to participate in our Enrichment program. Through Enrichment at STEM, students can participate in a variety of amazing clubs and programs, in arts, athletics, robotics, technology, and a variety of special interests.
Athletics (Middle and High School)
The athletic teams at STEM are coached by staff at STEM as well as parents. Our teams give our students the opportunity to learn teamwork, safe competition, and life-changing skills. Our Athletic Director is Susan Jones and our Athletics Assistant is John Munro.