Communications at STEM

About STEM Communications

The communications team at STEM manages all communications efforts for STEM School Highlands Ranch. The team develops STEM’s messaging direction and strategy, maintains and expands the Communications Plan, communicates to both internal and external audiences, responsible for all promotion of events, coordinates media interviews and conducts media training, and so much more.

How to Collaborate

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!

Working with STEM Communications is easy. Involving STEM Communications early is the key to a successful event or message. The STEM team will help with strategy, best practices and navigating STEM’s internal procedures.

Have news that you’d like to share with the STEM community, click the button below to access our Share Your Good News Parent Submission Form.

The Team

Need Translation or Interpretation Services

Parents with limited English proficiency have a right to be provided oral and/or written information in a language they can understand about any program, service, or activity that is provided to parents who are proficient in English (i.e., parent-teacher conferences, language assistance programs, special education meetings and consents, grievance procedures). Parents also have a right to access language assistance. Click the button below to learn more about Translation and Interpretation Services at STEM.