Financial Transparency

It is the goal of STEM School Highlands Ranch to maintain total financial transparency to the public. This includes our parents, business partners, stakeholders and community. On this website you will find our CDE financial reporting requirements which include monthly bank statements, annual budgets and other compliance information.
To comply with all Financial Transparency regulations, STEM is posting financial transactions online on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on specific requirements. These will be updated 45 days or sooner after the quarter end. STEM School Highlands Ranch will follow the CDE Article 44 of Title 22, C.R.S. Part 3 Public School Financial Transparency Act and will post documents as required by this act.

Disclaimer: Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions. Some transactions may appear improper on the surface, but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context. We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records, if you would like to inquire about financial information, please see contact below.

Matt Cartier

KOSON Schools Chief Innovation Officer
8920 Barrons Blvd.
Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80129
Phone: 303.683.7836       

Note: Charter schools are not required to post a financial data file as the charter school’s data is incorporated into the school district’s posted financial data file