College and Career Planning

It’s never too early to start planning for your future, no matter what it may entail. This page provides an abundance of resources for all college and career paths.

The College & Career Center will be open for students to seek advisement, work on college, trade school, and military applications, apply for scholarships, write and revise college essays, pick up college brochures, and attend college visits. Parents are also welcome to schedule an appointment at the College & Career Center if they have questions and concerns regarding post-secondary education/careers or concurrent enrollment information. The College & Career Center is located in High School Counseling Offices.

College and Career Planning News

Who to Contact

Headshot of Kelli Myrick
Kelli Myrick
College & Career Counselor
Career Resources

Naviance is a comprehensive college, career and life readiness solution that helps schools align student strengths and interests to postsecondary goals, and connecting learning to life.


Sign-up to receive College and Career News from Ms. Myrick each month, including information about scholarships, college and career fairs, and more.

Many students and parents have questions about the FAFSA. This is a resource to help you with guides related to best practices for completing the FAFSA.