Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

STEM PTO, a Chapter of the Foundation for Douglas County Schools, is a Parent Teacher Organization that uses its resources (materials, funds and services) to support our school, STEM School Highlands Ranch. As a STEM parent you are also an automatic member of not only our STEM PTO, but of the Foundation for Douglas County School – STEM is a chapter!

Who are our Members

Any parent and/or guardian with a student enrolled or teacher, faculty, or staff employed at STEM School Highlands Ranch shall automatically be granted membership into the STEM PTO.  No membership fee is collected.


Our Mission

“Enhance the overall experience for students, staff and families at STEM School Highlands Ranch.”

Our mission ensures STEM PTO works in partnership with STEM School Highlands Ranch to foster a strong sense of community, provide enhancement activities for student, faculty, staff and families and help increase the educational, social and emotional experience for the members and their families.

Connect with us

PTO Newsletter

Check out the latest edition of the STEM PTO Newsletter. A link is also included in the Weekly Newsletter that is sent out by STEM Communications.

PTO Contact Info

PTO Contact Email Addresses

We have new email addresses.  Contact Us Anytime!

We appreciate your support!

Next PTO Meeting

STEM PTO meets the second Wednesday of every month, from 6:30-8 p.m. via Zoom. Some meetings are in person. Please check the All-School Calendar and the Weekly Parent Newsletter for location information.

More About PTO


Irene Shick - Co-President

Irene feels like a Colorado Native with spending the majority of her life in this great state, alongside her two amazing boys, both at STEM – one getting ready to enter high school and her younger in elementary school. Irene has been married for over 17 years to Greg and she is flourishing in her long-term career as Residential Realtor with Keller Williams. Being a business owner and entrepreneur, for Irene the role of VP of Events felt like a fabulous place to volunteer and give back to the STEM community because she loves people, serving and being on the move! Hobbies and interests include making incredible memories with her precious family by traveling the world, being outside hiking and biking, trying out amazing new (and existing favorite) restaurants and will ALWAYS welcome any recs of little hot spots for a great drink and socializing!

Headshot of Stacey Pare - PTO

Stacey Pare - Co-Secretary

My name is Stacey Pare. I’m a neonatal nurse practitioner, mom of 3, and wife. We’ve been at STEM for 2 years and love it. I wanted to join PTO to be a helper! I love teachers and staff, and want to help the school achieve its goals. I have the utmost respect for teachers, and their dedication to their profession.

Headshot of Kristin Arabally - PTO

Kristin Arabally - Co-Secretary

Kristin and her husband, Gopal, have two children and have lived in Colorado for over a decade. She likes to spend time with her family and to support her kids in their various endeavors/loves. Kristin’s son is new to STEM school this year and is in the 5th grade. She is joining the PTO as a co-secretary. As a part of the PTO, she is looking forward to supporting the staff and teachers who are such an integral part of our kids’ lives. She also greatly values community, friendships and culture and hopes to help foster these things for our school and its’ families.

Jeanie Brevoort Headshot

Jeanie Brevoort - Co-Communications Chair

This is our 8th year at STEM. I have 5 kids. One graduated from STEM last year and the four others are in MS and HS. I joined PTO after joining the diversity committee. Once I learned that I would not have to bake or do crafts, I joined with the mission of helping to build a stronger community. My passion revolves around building a safe and inclusive community within STEM – for students, parents, and staff. I work full-time in the edtech world in higher education. My hobbies include all things outdoors: mountain biking, hiking, camping. I moved to Colorado from the east coast with my husband Mike in 2003 to enjoy the great outdoors. STEM is where we wished we went to school. I have also served on the hospitality team, events team, and as President.

Joanna Wert, PTO Communications Co-Chair

Joanna Wert - Co-Communications Chair

Hello, my name is Joanna Wert. I am a wife with four children currently enrolled in STEM. I am a nurse working in home health with children with disabilities. We moved to Colorado from Texas in 2019. My hobbies include indoor cycling and volunteering at church by translating and receiving donated items for underserved communities. I love that STEM addresses student concerns and safety; most of all, I love the teachers. I joined STEM PTO in 2023, and I enjoy that the PTO does so much for our children, staff, and community to bring us all together.

Headshot of Allison Everson - PTO

Allie Everson - Co-Events Chair

Allie is a newer STEM parent, with two boys here! Allie is gifted with all things organization and planning, and is leading our Events Committee – if you enjoy all of our amazing activities, events and celebrations, make sure you whip her a big High-Five! We are grateful for her contributions.

Headshot of Claire Smith - PTO

Claire Smith – Co-Hospitality Chair

I’m Claire Smith and this is my 7th year as a STEM parent. The PTO has been a wonderful way to help show my gratitude to the staff at STEM. Currently, I help with hospitality, which includes feeding the staff and stocking their lounges and restrooms. I’m very grateful for the experiences that my sons have had at STEM and I have really enjoyed being a part of the PTO team. It’s a group of positive, supportive parents. I am a Colorado native and currently live with my husband and two sons in Centennial. I own a charcuterie delivery business called Picnicly. My 5th grader is thriving at STEM and we love the way the community has grown in the past couple of years.

Headshot of Virginia Wang - PTO

Virginia Wang - Co-Treasurer

I have been a part of the STEM community since 2018 with kids in both the elementary and secondary schools. Being a part of the PTO has opened up opportunities to meet other parents and families that are proactive about creating community within STEM and supporting the amazing teachers and staff at this school. I have 5 kids (actually 1 kid, 2 teens and 2 young adults) — two of them are currently students and STEM. in my free time, I enjoy playing tennis, travelling, and reading a good book.

Valorie Walters, STEM PTO Co-Treasurer

Valorie Walters - Co-Treasurer

Hi, I am Valorie Walters. I am a wife, mother of a middle schooler and work full time as an accountant. I am not a native to Colorado, but moved here 10 years ago from Florida. We are new to STEM this year. I wanted to get involved with PTO as I believe it is important to get to know the fellow parents as well as giving back to our school. I spend my free time riding my horse on our beautiful Colorado trails.

Our Purpose

STEM PTO is organized for the purpose of enhancing the quality of students’ education, school, and community through the development of resources and participation of parents, school staff, and community. The STEM PTO Executive Board’s goal for fundraising is to coordinate donations from our members by organizing fundraising and enhancement activities to help increase the quality of STEM School Highlands Ranch, its student’s education, environment, and the community. To promote effective communication between parents/guardians, the school staff, and the community. To assist in the administrative activities of the school and support its policies and goals. To organize and support fundraising and enhancement activities. To serve in an advisory capacity to the Stem School Board of Directors or at the request of other groups.

Objectives of the Board

  • The STEM PTO Executive Board’s goal for fundraising is to organize and support fundraising and enhancement activities that enhance the quality of STEM School Highlands Ranch, its student’s education and environment, and the community.
  • To promote effective communication between parents/guardians, the school staff, and the community.
  • To assist in the administrative activities of the school and support its policies and goals.
  • To organize and support fundraising and enhancement activities.
  • To serve in an advisory capacity to the STEM School Board of Directors, or at the request of other groups.

There are lots of opportunities to help make a difference at STEM School Highlands Ranch. We are always searching for additional volunteers to fill committee positions. If you are interested in shaping the future of STEM PTO while helping STEM School Highlands Ranch reach its full potential, please let us know.

We invite you to check out this form to see everything your PTO offers this year. You can also visit our LinkTree to view other ways to get connected and volunteer with the PTO and much, much more! You can also email us at We can’t wait to connect with you!

Please join us to make STEM School Highlands Ranch a special place for our children to learn, grow and build lifelong friendships. Every bit of talent and enthusiasm you share, every small block of time you can give, makes a big difference for our kids and our school. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We could not do it without your help.

Join one of our many standing committees

Areas to Get Involved

  • Communications
  • Financial
  • Events
  • Fundraising
  • Hospitality
  • Come to a meeting
  • Volunteer for an Event
  • At Home Projects
  • Cook or Donate one of many Meals
  • Donate Money
  • Donate needed items
  • Teacher Appreciation
  • Hospitality

How to Log Your Volunteer Hours

Please don’t forget: all STEM PTO volunteer hours count towards your annual STEM School family volunteer hours. Why is it important to log your volunteer hours? Besides fulfilling your annual family volunteer commitment to STEM School Highlands Ranch, logging your volunteer hours helps the school and STEM PTO win awards and grants.

Retail Reward Programs

King Soopers: STEM PTO is now offering King Soopers cards! These FREE, reloadable cards are easy to use and STEM gets 5% back on every purchase. You can load the cards by using your credit card so that you continue to get your benefits such as miles or rewards.

The cards are available at the three school offices, at all our events or you can email us at for delivery. The cards have absolutely no additional cost to you, but can raise significant funds for STEM.

Get one now to use all year long! Click here to see how much money has been raised from these cards and how we are using those funds to support our school. For every $500 you add to your card, you can earn 1 volunteer hour just by buying groceries or gas!

Corporate match

You can double your donation! As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, STEM PTO is a chapter of the Foundation for Douglas County Schools and qualifies for corporate matching. If your company matches donations, use this Tax ID number: 84-1165175 and please email us at with the employee name, company name and amount so that we can track the corporate match.

“Welcome to the STEM Team!” and thank you for your support!

STEM PTO is a chapter of the Foundation for Douglas County Schools which is a 501(c)3 organization so your donation is 100% tax deductible.