This first week of May has certainly been very exciting and appreciative!
Teacher and staff appreciation week at STEM School Highlands Ranch is always one of the highlights of the school year, and this week has been terrific! A very BIG thank you to our amazing PTO and the many other parent volunteers and students who came in on their weekend to decorate our hallways and lobbies. Our teachers and staff felt so appreciated and surprised by the love and support.
Each day of the week brought special surprises, breakfast and lunches, and special messages of support and thankfulness. These acts of kindness made all of our staff feel cared for and appreciated. STEM parents are truly inspirational and valued. This is what makes the STEM community so special.
I would also like to recognize our yearly STEMShares event. A huge THANK YOU is sent to the entire community for displaying their compassion and caring for others. As we embark on this upcoming weekend, I challenge each of you to reflect on how you can give back and support others in need. We recognize that recovery is long and different for each individual and may be displayed in ways that others may not understand. Please continue to support each other, and thank you for supporting the entire community.
As we embark on these last few weeks of the school year, there are so many celebrations in the works: Graduation of our Seniors, Continuation of our Kindergarten class, Awards celebrations, and Athletic Events will be filling our hearts with appreciation and support for students! Be sure to give that support and thanks to our STEM Students! They have accomplished so much, and I am personally so proud of our entire community.
Thank you! Have a wonderful week!
Karen Johnson, Interim CEO KOSON Schools