COVID Update – STEM Out of COVID Outbreak Status

Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Families,

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our students, families and staff for their efforts and support over the last few weeks as we worked together to reduce our COVID cases. We received a notification from Tri-County Health Department that our Outbreak Status in first and sixth grade is now officially resolved and we have returned to Low Risk status.

What does this mean?
Returning to Low Risk means that we will not need to send classes, grade-levels or schools into a required quarantine for the time being. We will continue to send exposure notifications when we are made aware of any positive and/or presumed positive cases.

What do we need from our community?
We will continue to follow the Mask Mandate that is in effect until December 31. Additionally, we will continue to promote social distancing where we can, clean and sanitize classrooms and high-touch areas frequently, encourage hand washing and sanitizing and more. We are asking our families to help us ensure that students are wearing their masks. Additionally, if your student is experiencing any COVID-like symptoms, please keep them home.

If your student tests positive for COVID-19, please contact our School Nurse, Mallory Jimenez (nurse@ immediately. She will then notify the appropriate STEM Leadership Team members to then initiate our communication process. Ms. Jimenez will then provide instructions on next steps.

Thank you again for your support and for all your efforts in helping us to continue to provide in-person learning fro all students.


PJ Eucker and your STEM Leadership Team

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