COVID Update – Wednesday, Nov. 17 – Fourth & Fifth Grade Quarantine

Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Fourth and Fifth-Grade Families,

Due to additional probable COVID positive cases in both fourth and fifth grade that have been determined to be linked to one another, Tri-County Health Department has instructed us that our entire fourth and fifth grade students will have to move into quarantine for the next 10 days beginning tomorrow (Thursday). Students will access their education virtually.

Students can return on Monday, Nov. 29 if they do not have any symptoms. If a student develops symptoms, and/or tests positive for COVID-19, please reach out to our school nurse Mallory Jimenez (nurse@ for further direction and information. Please reference the Return-to-Learn Guidelines for additional information on COVID symptoms.

We understand that some of our families may not have access to laptops. Our IT Department has a limited number of Chromebooks available for our families if needed. Please click here to access the sign-up form if you will need a Chromebook temporarily. Our IT Department will reach out to any families who sign-up, with instructions on how to pick-up your Chromebook.

Your student’s teacher has been informed and will provide an update via email to families on what to expect for next week. We understand that this news is frustrating and can lead to anxious feelings, but our Leadership Team at STEM would like to assure you that we are doing everything that we can to make sure that our students are safe and still getting access to their education.

We appreciate your collaboration during this challenging time. Please reach out to Ms. LynAnn Kovalesky (lynann.kovalesky@, mallory.jiminez@, or with any questions.

Thank you,

STEM School Highlands Ranch Communications

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