Return to In-Person Learning Monday, Jan. 10; Plan moving forward

STEM 9th Grade English Teacher Michelle Vitale explains Standards Based Learning to her class as part of an exercise

Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Families,

Your STEM Leadership Team appreciates our entire community’s quick response to our move to virtual learning last week and we want you to know that we are doing everything we can to ensure that we remain open to offer in-person learning to our community moving forward.

We understand the impact that moving to virtual learning has on our community. We also understand that in order to remain in-person we must have trained staff to be able to cover classes for the staff that are out sick. Prior to making any decision, we look at all available options that include available staff, shifting staff, combining classes, etc.

Our goal for the remainder of the school year is to:

  • Remain in-person
  • If we have to move to virtual, it would either be by class, grade level or by specific group.
  • We do not want to move all of K-12 virtual again unless a snow day or DCSD late-start day.

In order to accomplish this we need your assistance with the following:

  • While it is not a requirement, we want to strongly encourage mask-wearing whenever possible.
  • If you have any symptoms, please stay home.
    • You must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication to return to school.
    • Also, please do not come to school with a pending test.
  • If your student does test positive for COVID:
    • Please notify our school nurse Mallory Jimenez (mallory.jimenez@
    • Please review the CDC guidelines on when your student can return to school.

With all of this in mind, we will be in person on Monday, Jan. 10. If we have to move a class or grade-level virtual, we will do our best to communicate this by 8 p.m. the evening prior to the impacted day.

We understand that this is and will be a stressful time for all of us. We can do this if we all work together and watch out for one another.

We are all strong and resilient. Thank you for your cooperation and your patience.

Thank you,

Your STEM Leadership and Administration Team

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