Sharing Our Good News (11/17/23)


STEM 5th Graders Present Their Ideas For Hydrating The Food Sustainability Garden

Living with the land.
As part of their ongoing PBL (Problem Based Learning) unit, STEM 5th graders presented their ideas this week to hydrate STEM’s Food Sustainability Garden.
A lot of creative and innovative ideas were brought to the table including a mini greenhouse, a drip irrigation syhttps://stem, a bottle drip and tube syhttps://stem and more!
We’re looking forward to seeing the garden develop and what it will grow in 2024!

Mrs. McElroy and Ms. Manzanares Pied and Slimed To Celebrate STEM Elementary Hitting Thanksgiving Food Drive Goal

Pied and slimed!
Friday morning, all of STEM Elementary celebrated hitting their goal of putting together 40 Thanksgiving food donation baskets from this year’s food drive.
As promised to the students prior to the food drive, Mrs. McElroy and Ms. Manzanares stepped up to get pied and slimed for hitting the goal! Everyone put in a lot of hard work to make it happen and this was a great way to celebrate the milestone. Happy Friday!

STEM Elementary Students Sign Thanksgiving Donation Boxes Before Delivery

Signing the boxes!
STEM Elementary students went above and beyond with the assembly of the donation boxes from our Thanksgiving Food Drive. Not only did the students pack the boxes, but they also customized each one with messages of hope, gratitude and love.
We are certain that the families who will be receiving these boxes will have a big smile on their face and will be extra grateful for what the STEM community was able to come up with. Thanks to all of you for your donations and for making a big difference for so many families in need.

A Special Thank You For The STEM Elementary Thanksgiving Food Drive Donations

STEMGives 2023 Campaign Begins in Driveline

This week you may have seen STEM School Highlands Ranch PTO volunteers out in driveline collecting donations for STEMGives. They have a special message for you about this year’s campaign and their $30,000 goal.
What you give goes directly to the classroom in the form of teacher’s grants, community events, food for teachers and staff, staff appreciation week and special student activities.
You can donate by clicking the QR code in the video or the link below. Thank you for giving back to STEM!

A Strong Finish For STEM Students at DECA State Competition

Very proud if these #STEMSpartans! Three Spartans were finalists in their categories and qualified for DECA State Competition. Maya Thatcher also passed her state officer qualification test and is now eligible to run for an officer position.
This is a great accomplishment for this group, which has been competing without a Business teacher this semester. While the group has an advisor, much of their prep work has been independent effort.
The group is excited to welcome their new business teacher in January, who will also take over as advisor of the club as they move on to also compete at FBLA.
Congrats Spartans!
DECA results

Former STEM Teacher Designs Custom Gavel For STEM Senior David Marquez

TSA gavel
Receiving the gavel!
STEM Senior David Marquez, who serves as TSA (Technology Student Association) President, showed off his new gavel that was made for him by Mr. Stern.
The gavel is the symbol of the TSA President and is used to control annual business meetings at any state or national conference. This year, Marquez will be using the gavel in front of an estimated audience of 10,000 attendees.
Prior to retiring from STEM, Mr. Stern was an engineering teacher for many years and was the Middle School TSA Advisor for Marquez. Mr. Stern was known for making gavels for any STEM student who was elected as a state representative.
Following the election of Marquez as National President, Mr. Stern reached out to him offering to make a unique gavel for the occasion. They ended up settling on purple heart, which is an exotic and colorful wood.
Thank you Mr. Stern for this wonderful wood-making creation!
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