Headshot of Kent Schnacke

Kent Schnacke

My Bio

Kent Schnacke joined STEM in the fall of 2019 as a secondary science teacher. He teaches high school Biology, Advanced Placement biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Marine Biology, Earth and Space Science, and Zoology. Before becoming a teacher, Kent worked in a variety of biological fields, including zookeeping and animal behavior, natural resource management, and citizen science outreach/education. Kent is motivated by helping students learn about and connect their lives to the biological world around them.
Kent is the sponsor of the Ornithology (birding) club.

Kent has a Bachelor’s of Science in Biological Sciences from Colorado State University and a Professional Master of Natural Sciences in Zoos, Aquariums, and Nonprofit Management from Colorado State University. He enjoys spending time with his family, running, bike riding, and reading.