Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe (03/01/24)

Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe

How is it that March is already here? Do you realize that we only have something like 11 weeks of school left? I can’t even believe it. Oh well, let’s keep working hard and finish strong!

I hope you had a chance to read what I wrote last week. It is important to work together and continue following traffic law and the driveline rules. If you don’t know what I am discussing, please look at last week’s Walking the Beat. During the weeks to come, there will be an increased police presence at Barrons Blvd. This presence is due to the many complaints the Sheriff’s Office has received during the last few weeks about vehicles blocking traffic (and driveways). As I said in previous newsletters, the last thing we really want to do is to issue tickets for traffic violations. Thanks for your help!

As many of you know, yesterday we had the visit of two of my furry friends (K-9 Sig and K-9 Onyx). I have said it before: anytime we have activities like this one, we learn new things. Students loved seeing Sig and Onyx around, and many of them really wanted to pet them (unfortunately, they couldn’t). Our friends Sig and Onyx were doing their jobs, and they visited a few classrooms looking for substances that should not be at school. Both dogs also sniffed around in the parking lot. As you may know, having K-9 visit schools to perform a “sniff” is a common practice, and several schools in the county do that. It is a great way for us in the Sheriff’s Office to interact with our community, show our work, and do our best to keep our schools free from drugs.

Well, enjoy the weekend. It will be warm, so make sure to go out and play! Thank you for your continuous support. Let’s keep working hard to keep our students safe! I am very thankful for having the opportunity to be part of your student’s story. If you have questions about anything, including the visit of Sig and Onyx, please email me at gabe.uribe@https://stemk12.org, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Hug your loved ones…smile at a stranger…believe it or not, that makes a difference in someone’s life.


Be safe!

Deputy Gabe

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