Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe (04/21/23)

Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe

I guess that when I skip Walking the Beat for one week, then I have a lot to talk about. This is the case this week. If you are reading these first sentences, please make sure to read the whole document. I am planning on sharing some important information. But before I start, I really hope you are having a wonderful week. Colorado weather is giving me a lot of headaches, literally! Still, I love this weather.

It was brought up to my attention that the management of the hotel right across the street from STEM complained about several vehicles using their parking lot. According to them, during drop-off and pick-up hours, several vehicles enter their parking lot to drop off and pick up students. Please know the hotel does not want parents using their parking lot for this. Also, several students are parking at the hotel, which is also not allowed. Please know that the hotel has the right to trespass anybody from their premises, and they can also tow any parked vehicle in their lot. This is private property, and the STEM community should be mindful of this. Please remember that we are encouraged to follow all guidelines from STEM when it comes to drop off and pick up. We can’t do things that affect the relationship that STEM has with businesses around the school. Please help us to make this better and to avoid any incidents with our neighbors.

On a different note, I wanted to encourage, again, that parents have a conversation with students about appropriate behavior at school. One of the most significant issues I am seeing lately is students having difficulty keeping their hands to themselves. Students keep playing rough with each other: pushing, shoving, pulling, etc. Please let your students know that this behavior could carry legal consequences and disciplinary consequences too from the school. I’ve had conversations with students about this, and I even addressed it during an assembly on the last Friday of March. The last thing I want is to have a conversation with students once somebody brings the situation to my attention as a criminal action. Thanks for helping me with this!

Lastly, I want to let you know that I put some information around the school about the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Youth Academy. The Youth Academy will take place from June 5-9. It will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day. The DCSO School Resource Officers will present this academy.
Students will receive instruction from law enforcement officers and other instructors. This experience will provide the students with a fun insight into what law enforcement is truly about. There will be a completion ceremony for the students on the last day of the academy. Some of the topics that may be covered are:

  • Criminal Investigations
  • Patrol Operations
  • Jail Operations
  • Firearms Safety
  • Criminal Law
  • Dispatch and 911
  • Forensics
  • Traffic Accident Investigations

If your student is interested in applying, please have him/her contact me directly at school, and I will guide them through the application process. If you prefer, they can also scan the QR Code included in the pamphlet below. The students must be between 14-18 years of age. Parent permission is a must. The student will have to successfully pass a background check investigation. This year the Youth Academy is FREE!!

The enrollment is limited to 25 participants (first come, first serve). I really hope to see some of the students from STEM there. It is a great experience, and I highly recommend it.

I know this was longer than usual, but I felt it was essential to cover these topics. Thank you for your continuous support. Let’s keep working hard to keep our students safe! I am very thankful for having the opportunity to be part of your student’s story. If you have questions about anything, please email me at gabe.uribe@https://stemk12.org, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Hug your loved ones and smile at a stranger.


Be safe!

Deputy Gabe

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