Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe (08/19/22)

Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe

During a conversation I had this week with a staff member, I was asked why I look around me when I am chatting with someone. The answer to that question is long, and perhaps not a very cheery one. The answer I gave, however, was, “I am always looking around. I like to be aware of what is happening around me.” It can be the “policeman” mentality, or simply I was born that way, but I am glad I am like that. It can seem like I am not paying attention to the person talking to me, but I am really listening.

I understand that not everyone is the same, and that some people are aware of their surroundings more than others. Nevertheless, I want to take the opportunity this week to encourage everyone to be vigilant. I mentioned to our students all the time that they are my eyes and ears in the halls and places where I am not often. If you see a vehicle in the parking lot that is occupied by people you have never seen before, let somebody know. If it is after hours and you see a vehicle circling the parking lot, call someone. It is ok to report this kind of activity if you believe it is suspicious.

This week I received a report that a catalytic converter was stolen from a student’s vehicle in the parking lot. This incident happened after school was dismissed, and it only took four minutes. Thanks to the position of the security cameras in the parking lot, I was able to obtain footage of the incident and the license plate of the suspect vehicle. The suspect vehicle happened to be a stolen car that was driving in the area looking for an opportunity to commit a crime. Because the vehicle was reported stolen, the identity of the suspect is almost impossible to know. These types of crimes happen very often.

If you ever witness a similar situation to the one I explained above, I would like to recommend you to be the best witness you can be. Do not engage the suspect. Call 911 or the non-emergency line for the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office at 303-660-7500 and provide all the information you can (description of vehicle, license plate, description of suspect, etc). Let us handle the situation and remain safe.

Thank you for helping us to keep our students safe! This second week of school was awesome. I can’t tell you enough how thankful I am for having the opportunity to be part of your student’s story. If you have questions, please email me at gabe.uribe@https://stemk12.org and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you again for your time…GO SPARTANS!

Be safe!

Deputy Gabe

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