Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe (10/27/23)

Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe

I hope you were all able to enjoy the Fall Break. Not everyone was able to either take the time off or do something out of the ordinary. But whatever it is you were able to do during the fall Break, I hope you had fun and you were able to spend some time with your students. It is essential to take the time and put everything down that distracts us from what is in front of us. The people we love and the things we enjoy… don’t neglect them.

I took the week off. My kids had school, but I could go to their school and have lunch with them, pick them up, take them to sports practices, etc. It was a great week. I remember sharing a quote from the i Love You Guys (the “I” is lowercase in this case). The quote was, “Peace: It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” There has been a lot of noise lately, but I have learned the importance of being calm in my heart. Part of being resilient is to know that no matter what, things will be okay. Even with all the noise, I was able to get some rest during the break, and for that, I am thankful.

I enjoyed seeing our students coming back this week. I expected to see them tired and sleepy, but the energy was high and encouraging. The best thing after the break? Hearing all the awesome stories of the things our students did.

On a different note, did you see how cold it will be the next few days? The temperatures are dropping, and Colorado is starting to play tricks on us. Be ready for all the changes in the weather. Check your tires (and the tires of your students’ vehicles), and make sure you have extra winter gear in your car in case you need it. Remember that when the weather changes, the driving pattern in people changes too. Be patient with those who are not used to driving under winter conditions. I am sure a lot of traffic is going to happen, and we need to be able to in the middle of the noise, be calm.

Enjoy the weekend, and stay warm out there. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe! I can’t tell you enough how thankful I am for having the opportunity to be part of your student’s story. If you have questions, please email me at gabe.uribe@https://stemk12.org and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Stay warm, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do… 😊

Thank you again for your time…GO SPARTANS!

Be safe!

Deputy Gabe

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