Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe (12/01/23)

Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe

One of my favorite things about being an SRO is interacting with our students. Whenever I am invited to speak in one of our classes, I always say that teaching is one of my favorite things. Combining interacting with students and teaching about topics that are important to me is a great mix! This week, I was invited again by Mr. Griffin to talk to his students (several classes) about the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments to the Constitution. What an honor it is for me to discuss this with our students. All the students in all the classes were respectful and participated, too. I enjoyed the questions and the “what ifs.” I am not going to lie to you: a couple of times, we engaged in such a great conversation that I was not able to complete the lesson. But it was worth it! So, thank you, Mr. Griffin, for the invitation.

On a different note, I wanted to address something important to me. During the last few weeks, I have been able to have several separate conversations with parents. These conversations have been amazing and highly positive. Please know that I don’t have all the answers to the challenges our students and parents face every day. But let me assure you this: even if I don’t have the answer, I will stand by you, trying to do what’s best for our students. During some of the meetings I had with parents, one area was very common: How can we work together to provide parents with the tools they need to help their teenagers navigate the teen years (digital world, bullying, self-esteem, etc.)? All of this has been in my mind lately. I am hoping that we, the Sheriff’s Office, can put together another parent’s academy very soon. Please be on the lookout in case one is planned for the months to come. It is important to encourage everyone to participate in this as a lot of good information is shared.

Stay warm out there. I see that next week we might have a couple of days with nice weather. Let’s keep working hard to keep our students safe! Let me tell you again how thankful I am for having the opportunity to be part of your student’s story. If you have questions, please email me at gabe.uribe@https://stemk12.org, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Have a wonderful weekend, and stay safe!


Deputy Gabe

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