Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe (12/22/22)

Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe

I feel like it was just yesterday when I was writing my Walking the Beat before Thanksgiving Break! I can’t believe how time flies. Does it fly because of how busy we get? Does it fly because once we grow up, time passes differently than when we were kids? Sometimes I feel like I forgot what it was to be a kid. If I am honest with you, I wish we all were like kids at times. Especially this time of the year…I really wish we could see this season the way kids do. I guess working with children helps!

Now, how fast was this month for you? Did you spend time with your loved ones? Or did you spend a lot of time with your eyes on the phone or computer (shopping)? I know it could be hard to find the balance, but it is important to do it. When we ignore what your children need, they tend to get busy with other things that we can’t always monitor. I have been very busy for the last three and a half weeks since we came back from Thanksgiving break. Teachers, counselors, Administrators, and everyone else at STEM have been really busy as well. I hope each one of them can get a wonderful restful time during the break.

I don’t have much to say about safety and security. I mainly wanted to wish everyone a wonderful time together celebrating this time of the year. Just a couple of tips:

  • don’t leave any valuables (Christmas presents) unattended in your vehicle
  • don’t try to warm your car while you are still inside your house (puffing)
  • be careful with those scamming phone calls trying to make you give them money over the phone (or gift cards).
  • Whatever plans you have, have fun!

Thank you, again, for allowing me to be part of your student’s story. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I look forward to 2023 and all the fun we’ll have together. Let’s keep working hard to keep our students safe! If you have questions, please email me at gabe.uribe@https://stemk12.org, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Stay warm; it’s pretty cold out there.


Be safe!

Deputy Gabe

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