Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe (05/17/24)

Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe

The last few days of school are always filled with a lot. A lot of emotions, a lot of feelings, a lot of questions, and quite a few challenges, too. I have always said that as we approach a break, for some reason, we get very busy. I think that sometimes our students have difficulty dealing with the fact that they might not see some of their friends for a long time. This causes some students to behave a little bit differently. Regardless, the excitement of the end of the year is in the air.

Graduation is on Monday. I told you last year that graduation is one of my favorite days. Even though I get filled with nostalgia for the students I won’t see anymore, the feeling of happiness overpowers every other feeling because I know our students are off to do great things! I’ll see you on Monday.

I won’t be able to write anything next week for Walking the Beat. I will be at school on Tuesday, and then I’ll be out the rest of the week. On Wednesday, I am getting surgery on my wrist, so I’ll be at home for 10 days after that recovering. As you may know, the summer is packed with a lot of stuff for me.

We have conferences, trainings, meetings, Youth Academy, vacations, and more. So, today, I am saying goodbye for now. I hope you enjoy the summer and make good choices. I always tell students leaving the building for the weekend, “Have a wonderful weekend, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

It might be boring because some people might think I am boring. But what I really mean is, stay safe! Do the right thing and take precautions when you are having fun. Spend time with family. Put electronics down and bring those eyes up. Enjoy the outdoors and get dirty. And to parents: just like I said last year, “remember that the best way to keep our children out of trouble is being around and to keep them busy.”

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your student’s story this school year. It was an honor and a blessing to serve each one of you. I look forward to seeing you in a couple of months! If you have questions about anything, please email me at gabe.uribe@stemk12.org, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. And again, hug your loved ones…smile to a stranger… remember what I have said in the past, a simple gesture like that can change somebody’s life.


Be safe!

Deputy Gabe

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