STEM Day at the Colorado Rockies, May 5

Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Families,

We are so excited to share that the Colorado Rockies will be hosting a STEM Day at Coors Field on Thursday, May 5, collaborating with Steve Spangler of 9News.

Formerly called Weather and Science Day, this event will focus on educational events incorporating physics, math and meteorology into unique science experiments.

The interactive presentation will run from 10:30-11:30 a.m., with parking lots opening at 9 a.m.

Part of the event will hopefully include a special presentation by our engineering students, who are building a robot that will be competing to throw out the first pitch. Audience participation will factor into the best robot being picked to make history. This is a feat not yet accomplished by anyone in history at the Rockies stadium. This is so special that there will be a news presence, and maybe even Guinness Book of World records will be there.

While this is an instructional day for students, we want to recognize that many families may want to attend. We want to remind and encourage parents to please call the attendance at (303) 683-7836 line to excuse their student. Families can call this line in advance of May 5 to tell us that their student will not be in attendance that day. Please understand that the Administration Team discussed possibly making this Day a no-contact day; however, we were unable to make this accommodation due to testing and other logistical reasons.

Those who would like to attend the interactive presentation must purchase a ticket to the game. The Colorado Rockies game vs. the Washington Nationals will begin at 1:10 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased directly through the Rockies website and TicketMaster. STEM is not coordinating tickets, but there is an option for group sales if you have a large group. Here is the link to the Rockies STEM Day page, and it has a link to buy tickets and other details. To purchase more than 12 tickets, please call 303-ROCKIES or

Thank you,

STEM School Highlands Ranch Communications

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