Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe (08/12/22)

Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe

And just like that, week one is over. I missed being here so much. The summer was very busy, but I couldn’t wait to be back at STEM. I loved seeing the smiles, the high fives, the hugs! Oh, the hugs. As they grow up, some hugs became high fives now, but that’s ok 😊

Just like I said last year, thank you, parents, for allowing me to be part of your student’s story.

As we start this school year, I wanted to share with you some information that will be helpful for you to know. Are you familiar with the Standard Response Protocol (SRP)? It is an action-based protocol for specific situations. I am sharing the link to the I Love you Guys Foundation to learn more about this. All the drills we practice here at STEM (Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate and Shelter) are based on this material.

At times, we have parents in the building either volunteering or having a meeting. I believe that it is important for you to understand our response protocol so you could react the same way as we practice. I know that reading the material only doesn’t give you the full understanding of what to do, but it at least will provide you with the basic knowledge of the necessary response.

Please know that if you ever have questions about the SRP, I am more than willing to answer any questions you might have. I always enjoy meeting with parents and serving as a resource for you as well. As I always mention at the end of Walking the Beat: thank you, parents, again, for helping us to keep our students safe! Don’t forget to be kind to each other.

We do have a lot of new students, so if you are a student and you are reading this, take the first step and talk to someone you don’t know, sit and have lunch with a student that is eating by him/herself. If you have a chance, let me know how it goes. Sometimes our actions seem like nothing to us, but they mean the world to somebody else.

If you have any questions, please email me at gabe.uribe@https://stemk12.org and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you again for your time…GO SPARTANS!

Be safe!

Deputy Gabe

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