KOSON/STEM Board of Directors Election Candidate Voter Book


Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Families,

It’s that time of year again when the KOSON/STEM Board of Directors holds its annual Elections to fill the open Parent seat. Five parents from the STEM community have submitted their names to be included on the ballot for the community to review and then vote on.

Please click the button below to review the candidates via our KOSON/STEM BOD Voter Book. The BOD would like to ask all families to please review this Voter Book in advance so that they are prepared when voting opens.

Every parent will receive an electronic ballot from an independent certified e-voting service delivered to their email address listed in Infinite Campus. As was shared in the Weekly Parent Newsletter, parents were asked to ensure that their contact information is updated in IC so that they receive a ballot.

Voting will open on Monday, April 24, and close on Friday, April 28. Reminder information will be shared in the Parent Newsletter.

If you do not receive an email, please email rudy.lukez@https://stemk12.org so I can assist further.

In partnership,

Rudy Lukez, KOSON/STEM BOD Member

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