Evolv Implementation Team Update (04/21/23)

Evolv Implementation Team Update

Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Community,

As you may know, we were awarded a grant from the Douglas County Commissioners to enhance security on our campus through a one-time funding grant to pilot the Evolv Security Syhttps://stem.

The Evolv Implementation Team comprises board members, staff, students, and parents. We have been meeting this past month to prepare for this pilot program at our new Athletics Entrance.

There are currently four subcommittees to this team. Additional committees will be formed as needed throughout the implementation of the Evolv Security Syhttps://stem.

Security Firm/Staffing

  • This team will focus on staffing and the hiring of a security firm to support the implementation of this syhttps://stem. A Request For Proposals was sent to twelve different firms. Submissions will be evaluated and a security firm will be contracted to begin. Training of this team and essential staff will take place immediately upon installation of the equipment.

Policies & Procedures

  • This team will be focused on policies and procedures regarding the implementation.


  • This team will focus on communicating essential information to all stakeholders

Grant Implementation/Assurances

  • This team will focus on assuring our compliance with the DCSD grant and providing feedback to the appropriate parties throughout implementation.

We hoped to launch this pilot program in the next week, but delays in receiving the equipment have caused us to move back the installation until mid-May. At that time, Evolv representatives will be training essential staff along with a security company that will be on board to implement the processes. We recognize that it will take time to pilot this program and that full implementation will likely occur during the fall semester. We will keep you informed as we progress.

The goal of piloting this syhttps://stem is to incorporate innovative technology into our campus to provide a safe and professional learning environment for students and staff. STEM School Highlands Ranch’s mission is to Never Stop Innovating and the KOSON/STEM Board of Directors believes that this pilot program will allow our school to be at the forefront of school security safely and innovatively.

The Evolv Express syhttps://stem is designed to provide fast and efficient screening of individuals to reduce any opportunities for potential threats. We encourage you to learn more by visiting their website.

We understand that many in our community will have questions, so please feel free to reach out with questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Karen Johnson, Interim CEO KOSON Schools
EVOLV Implementation Team

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