A Message to our STEM Spartans from Middle School Director Maura Ridder

A Message from Mrs Ridder

Dear Spartan Middle Schoolers,

Wow! We did it, kids! We made it through our first week of full-time in-person learning! I realize it may have been overwhelming for some of you, but I promise that it will get better. I am honored and proud to serve as your Middle School Director this year! I look forward to partnering with you to ensure that you are all celebrated and supported throughout the year. Together, we will make certain that STEM remains a safe, special place for us to all learn and grow together.

This is my 10th year at STEM. I taught in the Language Arts classroom for nine years, and I was an Instructional Leader who helped to support teachers for three years. Last year, I worked as the Professional Development Coordinator, and this year, I was able to move into my dream job as the Middle School Director. In this role, I am excited to devote much of my time and energy to you all, alongside your teachers, in the classroom. My true passion is working as an instructional leader and supporting students and teachers inside and outside of the classroom. I am also thrilled to observe, listen, learn, and understand what makes each of you grow and thrive.

I pride myself on building lasting relationships with my students, staff, and families. I will work hard to learn all of your names and get to know you. Please reach out to me if you have concerns, issues, problems, stories, or just to chat. I cannot wait to hear your good news, ideas, or just see photos of your pets. As your director, I am dedicated to ensuring that all students feel welcome and connected to our Stem family.

Please feel free to contact me by email at maura.ridder@https://stemk12.org or by calling our school office. I welcome any input you would like to share with me.

Let’s make it a great year, Spartans!

We are #STEMStrongerTogether

Maura Ridder, Middle School Director

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