Strategic Plan

About the Strategic Plan

A strategic plan creates a long-term vision for a school-based upon what has made the organization successful in the past. The mission, values, strategies and brand promise ground the school in behaviors that generate success while the Big Hairy Audacious Goal and Goals provide direction to build upon those successful behaviors.

As part of our contract to re-charter within the Douglas County School District, we were asked to provide a strategic plan. Our strategy process started in 2017 and in August we started a rigorous updating.

At the STEM School of Highlands Ranch, the Board of Directors has designated a Strategic Planning Committee that represents each stakeholder group within our community. These eleven people meet quarterly to update the plan and advise the Board. The community owns the plan; that is why each stakeholder group is represented on the committee. The Executive Director and administrative team are accountable for the implementation of the plan.

Strategic Plan Team

Matt Cartier, LynAnn Kovalesky, Nicole Bostel

Strategic Plan Introduction

Strategic Plan Goals


Create a teacher care model that promotes growth and support

This goal was created because we want to create authentic syhttps://stems that attract and retain high-caliber teachers and staff. Taking care of our staff is crucial. There is a nationwide shortage of teachers and creating a staff-care model that promotes growth and support, is important so that our students have a teacher they love.

Goal Leader: Michelle Gasser

Team: Michelle Gasser Jon Jennings, Simi Basu


Build trust within parent community

This goal was created because we want everyone to feel Trust and Trusted. By creating a community of Collective Efficacy, we are building a shared responsibility of common trust.

Goal Leader: LynAnn Kovalesky

Team: LynAnn Kovalesky, Nicole Bostel, Carla Gustafson, Ronalea Alleman, Ben Ryder, Jason O’Rourke, Bernadette Amaya


Implement an independent funding strategy outside of Per-Pupil Revenue (PPR)

This goal was created because we want to develop relationships within the community that lead to supporting our mission, vision and values for our students, teachers and staff. Why is this important? So that funding is never a limiting factor on our potential. We want to take full advantage of grant opportunities and overcome all barriers.

Goal Leaders: Dr. Karen Johnson

Team: Dr. Karen Johnson, Gaye Saunders


Develop a model for distributed leadership that includes students

This goal was created because we want to empower individuals to develop their own leadership style in order to ethically and positively impact the world.

Goal Leader: Dr. Karen Johnson

Team: Dr. Karen Johnson, Maura Ridder, Ryan Alsup


Achieve community alignment around strategic plan

This goal was created to explore future opportunities for the implementation of the strategic plan.

Goal Leader: Dr. Penny Eucker

Team: Dr. Penny Eucker, Dr. Carletta Stewart