Check-In with Ms. Kovalesky (01/26/23)

Check-In with Ms. Kovalesky

Communication and Collaboration

As a community, we strive for excellence and are committed to creating an environment where our students can thrive, lead, and succeed.  We believe that feedback plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our school.  The thoughts and insights of our staff, students, and parents help us determine the opportunities for growth and development that support our efforts to create a positive and enriching environment for our students.

Why is your feedback important?

  1. Continuous Improvement: Your opinions help us make informed decisions to enhance the overall educational experience.
  2. Tailored Solutions: Your unique perspectives enable us to understand the diverse needs of our school community. By participating in surveys, you contribute to the development of solutions that are tailored to meet those needs.
  3. Positive Impact on Students: Your insights directly impact our students’ educational journey.  Your feedback guides us in refining teaching methods, introducing new programs, and fostering a supportive atmosphere for optimal learning.

How can you get involved?

  1. Participate in Surveys: Keep an eye out for surveys sent via email or linked in our newsletters.  Your participation ensures that your voice is heard and considered in our decision-making process.
  2. Attend Feedback Sessions: We value open communication.  Attend parent-teacher meetings and other feedback sessions to share your thoughts directly and engage in constructive conversations.
  3. Stay informed: Read our weekly newsletter and check our website and social media sites regularly for updates on initiatives, upcoming events, and general information.

Recent Parent and Staff  Survey Data

I would like to start by thanking the members of our SAC Committee for annually creating a Fall Parent Pulse Survey and Spring Year End Parent Survey.  STEM’s SAC Committee is comprised of 16 dedicated parents who meet monthly to inform, encourage, and provide opportunities for parents and community members to be involved in the planning and evaluation of the school’s instructional program and quality improvement processes.

This past November, SAC received 320 responses on our Fall Pulse Survey.  This was a higher response rate than in years past.  Thank you to those who provided us with your valued feedback.

The 2023 Pulse Survey showed that over 80% of our respondents agree that students are academically challenged at STEM and feel that our teachers are supportive of the individual needs of our students.

The survey results also provide us with valuable insights into opportunities where we can improve. Some of the high-level themes we heard from parents included:

  • Standards-Based Learning
  • Canvas and Mastery Connect
  • Driveline Frustrations

The data from our fall staff and students surveys was similar to the parent pulse survey.

Since receiving the survey data, STEM administrators have met with staff individually and as a larger group to gather additional feedback on Standards-Based Learning, Canvas, and Mastery Connect.

The following action steps are being taken to address our stakeholder SBL concerns:

  1. Admin met with Canvas to determine if better ways to communicate student progress and final grades to all parents exist.
  2. The creation of an admin cohort from other SBL schools around the country to learn best practices.
  3. The development and practice simulation of an innovative way to enter and evaluate student progress with a team of teachers, students, and parents.
  4. Communicate progress and changes with our stakeholders.

We also recognize the ongoing concerns around STEM’s driveline.  STEM hired a new Director of Operations, Chris Damour, in December.  One of the many needs in our daily operations is our Traffic Management Plan. Mr. Damour is aware of the challenges we face in our driveline.  As he continues to onboard, he will evaluate our current plan, seek feedback from our parents and staff, generate possible solutions, and communicate any changes to our stakeholders in the future.

Your feedback is an invaluable tool in our pursuit of excellence.  I believe that together, we can create an environment that nurtures growth and learning for every student.  Thank you for being an essential part of our STEM Community.

In partnership,

Lynann Kovalesky, STEM Executive Director

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