COVID Update – Tuesday, Jan. 4 – K-12 Exposures

Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Families,

Since returning from Winter Break, we’ve had several students and staff test positive for COVID-19. We currently have 32 reported cases between students and staff over the last two days. All students and staff were instructed to move into isolation and remain there until symptoms have gone away.

Grades impacted include: 1st grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 10th grade and 12th grade.

Due to the large number of cases, we are unable to provide individual class schedules. We are asking all families to please monitor their students for symptoms and to take their students to get tested if needed.

Our school nurse Mallory Jimenez has reached out to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) for further guidance and if we will need to transition to Virtual Learning. Additionally, the STEM Board of Directors has been informed as well. As soon as we know what the next steps are, we will communicate that with all families.

If your student tests positive for COVID-19, please contact our School Nurse, Mallory Jimenez (nurse@ immediately. She will then notify the appropriate STEM Leadership Team members to then initiate our communication process. Ms. Jimenez will then provide instructions on the next steps.

Please reach out to with any questions.

Thank you,

STEM School Highlands Ranch Communications

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