Upcoming Events
STEM All-Events Calendar
Please take a moment to check the STEM All-Events Calendar on our website.
There are lots of events already scheduled so please take a moment to take a look at the calendar to familiarize yourself with some of the events at the start of school. This calendar will continue to be updated throughout the summer as we get closer to the start of school.
STEM PTO Elementary Sweetheart Dance
Friday, Feb. 2, from 6-8 p.m. – Elementary School Gym
The annual STEM PTO Elementary Sweetheart Dance is coming up soon! Mark your calendars. More information will be shared out soon. Email ptoteams@https://stemk12.org with any questions about this event.
STEM's Got Talent Auditions
Wednesday, Feb. 7 and Thursday, Feb. 8, from 3-6 p.m. – Location TBD
Calling all of our talented K-12 students!!! It’s time to prepare your audition for our 12th annual STEM’s Got Talent Show!
Auditions will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, February 7th and 8th in room 149 (secondary music room).
Please follow these steps if you are interested in auditioning:
- Step 1 – Click the button below to complete the audition form and sign up for a time slot.
- Step 2 – Practice, Practice, Practice
- Step 3 – show up, on time, on your audition date. Be sure to bring everything. you need for a polished audition, including your background music and/or links.
Contact Mrs. Ridder (maura.ridder@https://stemk12.org) with any questions.
News and Updates
Middle School Academic Course Registration Parent Information Night
On Thursday, Jan. 25, our Middle School Counseling Teams gave presentations on the Academic Course Selection Process and the Academic Planning Guide. Below is the PDF of the presentation. If, after reviewing the presentation, you still have questions, please email info@https://stemk12.org. Students in fifth will receive this same presentation in their class.
Driveline Reminders for Elementary Families
- Please remember that Driveline opens at 7:10 a.m. and that students should not be dropped off prior to that time. The Elementary Aides will come out to open the car doors when we are prepared to receive students.
- School starts at 7:40 a.m., so all students should arrive prior to that time. Any students who arrive at 7:40 or later must be signed in by their parent/guardian.
- In the afternoon, please ONLY come at your designated pick-up times. Click here to review your pick-up times.
- For families who are coming to pick up for the 2:30 p.m. time frame, please do not park on the street and/or block the business driveways along Barrons Blvd. Prior to break, we noticed many cars blocking driveways and trying to access the driveline prior to 2:30 p.m. If this continues, we will request for the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office to come out to issue tickets to anyone stopping/standing on an active roadway. Please help us be good neighbors by following the Traffic Management Plan.
- Please make sure that your PikMyKid information is up to date and that you have your student’s pick-up mode updated in the app. If someone other than you is picking up your student, please make sure to have your delegations set prior to pick-up time.
- If you are in need of a new placard, please email support@https://stemk12.org to request a placard. Please include your student’s name, teacher’s name and number of placards requested.
CMAS Testing Information
We’re heading into testing season! Parents, please be sure to check our testing calendar and the State Mandated Testing page on our website to stay in the know of all of the upcoming important dates and how to prepare. Please reach out to julie.adamek@https://stemk12.org with any questions.
Help us spread the word!
Niche.com is an online platform that helps connect families with their future schools in their neighborhoods. It is one of the top search platforms that families use when looking for a new school. If you love STEM and what we have to offer your student(s), please consider leaving us a review. Click the button below to visit our school’s profile, where you can leave a review. Thank you in advance!