Elementary News and Upcoming Events
Complete the Intent to Return Form
Deadline extended to March 31, 2021
Do you Intend to Return for the 2021-22 School Year?
For enrollment planning purposes, please let us know, either way if your child plans to return to STEM School Highlands Ranch next year.
Please complete this form for each of your currently attending STEM students. If you are currently enrolled at STEM please let us know that your child is returning. You do not need to “open enroll” to remain at STEM. If your child is currently attending STEM, they will be automatically enrolled for next year. Please also complete the form if your student is planning to seek enrollment at another school so that we can have an accurate count of returning students.
Do you Have a Sibling Who Wants to Attend STEM Next Year?
Does your current STEM student have a sibling who is interested in attending STEM for the 2021-22 school year? Did you know that they have priority on our waitlist? Please add them to our waitlist now! STEM’s open enrollment is now open and we will begin notifying families of accepted spots for the 2021-22 school year beginning Tuesday, Dec. 1.
Now Accepting Names for the 2021-22 School Year!
STEM is now accepting names for the waitlist for 2021-22 and beyond. Please spread the word to your family and friends. They can add their child to the waitlist here! We will begin notifying families of accepted spots beginning on December 1, 2020. Please note that STEM does not follow the Douglas County Open Enrollment process.
Intent to Attend Your Neighborhood School
If you wish to attend your neighborhood school, you must return this form to that school no later than January 5th. This will allow your child to attend that school in the fall of next year (2021-22).
Questions? Please call the MS office at 303-683-7836 or check the website for more enrollment information.
Upcoming Events
STEM PTO Rally Days
March 19-28, 2021
Help STEM PTO raise funds to directly support our teachers by taking part in American Furniture Warehouse’s Rally Days from March 19-28. While you can purchase anytime throughout the year, Rally Days will help to maximize our annual donation. You can purchase items in store, by phone or online. When checking out, mention our school name or our ID (STEMHR) and AFW will donate 2 percent on all purchases and anything Beautyrest or Serta will be matched by 2 percent. That means up to 4 percent could come back to our school. Don’t forget to invite others to participate as well.
When shopping during the AFW Store Rally for our school, you will be entered to win an American Furniture Warehouse $500 gift card, plus AFW will match $500 back to our school if you win. (Drawing will be held at the end of December 2021 – 1 winner from all AFW Store Rallies for all schools throughout the year.)

Wish Week
March 29-April 2
Wish Week is coming to STEM. Join us from Monday, March 29 to Friday, April 2 for our Make-A-Wish kid Peter. Click the button to the right to view our Wish Week page and meet our kid.
News and Updates
Elementary Lost and Found
It’s that time of year. If you think your student is missing items, please stop by our Lost & Found to look through what has been left behind. The Lost & Found is located in the Elementary School Lobby. All items not picked up will be donated at the end of the school year.
Recovery Resources Available
Elizabeth Brown joined STEM in January 2021 as the Recovery Coordinator for STEM. While her desk is located in the new admin side of the P-TECH building, she will be spending the majority of her time in the school. The broadest description of her position is to provide overall coordination for the recovery of students, parents, and staff. Dr. Euker has stated that it is a huge priority for her that Elizabeth reaches out and provides the necessary support and information to our community. Elizabeth is working under a grant that can make all kinds of resources available to those who would like them.
Her role is specifically to support all who have been impacted, so if there are needs that aren’t being met, questions that aren’t being answered, or services that aren’t being provided, it would be really helpful to let her know so she can be sure to address those issues. Please email her at elizabeth.brown@https://stemk12.org.
Building Parent Trust Committee Survey
The Parent Trust Committee of the Strategic Plan Goal “Building Parent Trust” would like to collect some data from our community (students and parents) on some of the favorite implementations of Problem Based Learning that teachers have created in their classrooms. The committee gathered feedback during the Town Hall in January that included helping to build a repository of PBLs for teachers to use.
Problem based learning is STEM’s instructional model. Teachers utilized different techniques to have students solve a real-world problem, while teaching the state standards and core competencies.
Recovery Resources Available
Elizabeth Brown joined STEM in January 2021 as the Recovery Coordinator for STEM. While her desk is located in the new admin side of the P-TECH building, she will be spending the majority of her time in the school. The broadest description of her position is to provide overall coordination for the recovery of students, parents, and staff. Dr. Euker has stated that it is a huge priority for her that Elizabeth reaches out and provides the necessary support and information to our community. Elizabeth is working under a grant that can make all kinds of resources available to those who would like them.
Her role is specifically to support all who have been impacted, so if there are needs that aren’t being met, questions that aren’t being answered, or services that aren’t being provided, it would be really helpful to let her know so she can be sure to address those issues. Please email her at elizabeth.brown@https://stemk12.org.
School Photos Update
STEM had picture Day on February 16 & 17 for students needing a current school photo.
Elementary Students:
- There will be a Class Composite created for each class
- Parents will have the opportunity to purchase individual and class composite photos.
If your student was unable to take advantage of the picture days at STEM, please set an appointment to have their picture taken at the photographer’s studio. Check out the buttons to the left to schedule an appointment, or order photos.
Updates to 2020-21 Academic Calendar and Graduation
In late August/early September of 2020, STEM had to make an adjustment to its Academic Calendar to extend the school year by a few days in order to account for our delayed start. The last day (half day) for Elementary is Friday, May 21 and the last day (half day) for Secondary is Tuesday, May 25. You can view the updated Calendar here. Additionally, graduation has been moved to Thursday, May 20 at 2 p.m. at EchoPark Stadium.
Updates to Snow Day Procedure
Due to the delayed start at the beginning of the school year that has impacted our required academic minutes, if DCSD calls for a SCHOOL CLOSURE due to weather, STEM will operate on a Virtual Day Schedule instead. This decision was made to prevent having to add additional days at the end of the school year to make up for a snow day. If DCSD calls for a DELAYED START due to weather, STEM will operate on a Virtual Day Schedule.
PikMyKid Info

Make sure to designate your Pick-Up Mode and your Delegates (if necessary) prior to 1:45 p.m. each day.
Pick-Up Modes:
- West Driveline Pick-Up Mode – ALL students being picked up by car
- Walker – Meeting your student at the ES Doors
- Sibling Pick-Up – ES students with Secondary Siblings that are walking
Remember to only enter the Driveline at your designated time and display your placard. To help our driveline volunteers, please keep your placard up until you leave the parking lot. Also, to help us be good neighbors to our business park neighbors, please do not stack along Barrons Blvd.
- Green – K-1 Grades Only – 2:20 p.m.
- Orange – 2-5 Grades (with K-1 sibling) – 2:30 p.m.
- Yellow – K-5 with Secondary Sibling – 2:55 p.m.
New Gear available for sale in the SpartMart
Don’t Delay! Show your STEM Spartan Pride by ordering from the NEW gear that is available in the SpartMart Store. Check out the flier to the right for more information. The SpartMart is operated by STEM students and the gear is designed by STEM students as well.
FREE Meals for Hybrid and Virtual Learners from DCSD
DCSD will be providing weekly remote meal bag pick-ups at all neighborhood Middle Schools in Douglas County (pick-up not available at STEM). Meal pick-ups do NOT require pre-order. Simply pull up to our curbside pickup locations and request a meal for kids, just like our Summer Feeding sites. Kids do not need to attend DCSD Schools and do not need to be present for pickup. Please see the flier to right for more information.
DCSD Nutrition Services is Hiring
DCSD Nutrition Services is hiring! They are offering four- and six-hour per day Kitchen Assistant positions in Highlands Ranch, Castle Rock and Parker. Partial or full benefits are available with pay starting at $12/hr. Nights, weekends and school breaks off! Click the button below to apply.
Enrichment Update
In-Person Activities Coming Back after Spring Break
Beginning after Spring Break, we will welcome back a handful of clubs in-person. Each club will take place either outside or in the gym to allow for enough spacing, and will have a limited number of participants. All STEM COVID protocols will be in place. Click the respective buttons below for more information.
Volunteer and Donation News
*Due to COVID 19, no visitors or volunteers are allowed inside the building at this time. Volunteer requirements will be adjusted as needed. There was a consideration to switch volunteer hour tracking syhttps://stems, but we will stay with our syhttps://stem we have been using at this time.
Volunteer opportunities below are all outside of the school building.
Please consider helping with ES Outdoor lunch / Recess
We would like to invite parents to help during outdoor lunch & recess time each day. Recess starts at 10:50 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m. If you are interested, please enter through the Elementary School lobby, register as a visitor and complete the health screening form.
After completing the registration form, we ask that you meet grade levels at the Elementary School playground on the East side of the school. Masks are required.
We Need Driveline Volunteers
If you have some extra time in the mornings or afternoons, please consider signing up to volunteer for our Elementary School Driveline. We need volunteers to help from 7:20-7:50 a.m. with unloading students from their cars and getting them to their class stones. In the afternoon, we need volunteers to help from 2:10-3:10 p.m. with loading students into their cars.
If you are interested, please enter through the Elementary School lobby, register as a visitor and complete the health screening form. Masks are required.
Donations Needed!
Staff Feedback Team Donations
The Staff Feedback Team is seeking “treat” donations for staff. If you are interested in donating any of these items, please bring to the MS Office labeled “SFC Treats” – thank you so much!!
Individual bags of:
- Mixed nuts
- Pretzels
- Vegan Variety pack
- fruit leather
- oreo snack packs
- BBQ Lays
- Justin’s Nut Butter squeeze packs
- Olives to go
- pickles to go
- Sparkling water
- regular water
- small soda pop cans
- bottles of tea
- chips
- goldfish
- cookies
- crackers
- rice crispy treats
- jerky sticks/pouches
- non-food options: lip balm and lotion.
ES Healthroom Donations
We are in immediate need of underwear and pants (girls size 5-8) for students who have an accident. Please sign up using the link to the right. Donations can be dropped off at the Elementary School Office.
ES Counseling Donations:
- Water beads refill
- Assorted sports beads
- Craft beads like these or any of these
- Plastic funnels
Please bring to the ES Office labeled ES Counseling. Thank you!
Additionally, we have an ongoing need for classroom and health room donations. Click the link to the right to see all of the donation items that we are collecting for, and to sign up.