Elementary Enrichment Updates
Chess Club and Fencing are full and registration is closed for this quarter. Watch for the next round of registrations.
Tuesday, Aug. 23 – First Lego League Parent Info Session 3:15 – 4 p.m.
- Please complete this interest form to help us know how many students would like to participate.
The week of August 29 – Ballet (Mon), Yoga (Tue), Theater (Wed), Hip Hop (Thu).
Tuesday, Sept. 13 – Play It All Sports starts for K-5! Sign up now!
Secondary Enrichment Updates
Club Rush Slideshow – In an effort to capture the great number of Enrichment opportunities secondary students have available to them, STEM Clubs, Athletics and Honor Societies have collaborated on bringing Club Rush to our students. Knowing that students would have time to visit with all of the activities that might interest them, our students and activities leaders have contributed to this slideshow. Each slide will provide details on the activity and link to a form to collect information from interested students.
Join the Computer Science Honor Society!
Computer Science Honor Society is back and here with new bylaws, membership requirements, and ambitious goals on our agenda! Membership and leadership applications for have officially opened!
Learn to write code, hack computers, design AI, and party at our ice cream socials! The membership application takes 5 minutes to complete, and the leadership application is even open to soon-to-be new members!

Former NSA and Air Force Cybersecurity Guest Speaker!
Neal Bridges is the current CISO (chief information security officer) for Query.AI and is a cybersecurity influencer with the experience of over 20 years total in cybersecurity (10 years in the NSA) and over 5000 pentests.
Neal has generously offered to come speak to CSHS at one of our meetings! However, we need at least 10 people (and lots of questions to ask!) interested to justify accepting his offer.
The speaker event would be for about two hours after school, on a Tuesday during September, in Mr. Chacon’s room (or another room if he’s unavailable). The entire AMA will be recorded and made available, per Neal’s permission.
If interested, fill out the interest survey at the link so we can invite him!

SteMed and SteMed Jr. Introduction Meeting
Thursday, Aug. 25, from 3-4 p.m. in the High School Commons
Introduction meeting for SteMed and SteMed Jr. (science and medical clubs). We will be going over the schedule, what to expect, and answering questions.
This event is for Middle and High School students only. Parents can email https://stemed@s.https://stemk12.org or Kent Schnacke kent.schnacke@https://stemk12.org for questions