Information about Free and Reduced Lunch Applications

FRL Applications Available

Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Families,

It’s that time of year to submit your Free-Reduced Lunch Application. While meals are free for all this year, it’s still important to apply for the benefit because it will cover most field trips, discounts for sports and Enrichment, and waive enrollment fees.

If you’re not sure if you qualify, please click here and read the second page to see the Eligibility requirements for the program.

It is very important that you select the button that will allow the district to share their information with STEM, otherwise, our Business Office will not know that you qualify for FRL and your student will not receive the benefits. If you completed the application already and did not check the box, just forward the approval letter to ashley.westfall@ so that she can make a note.

Lastly, a new FRL application must be submitted each school year. Benefits do not roll over from year to year.

Here are the directions to apply:

Thank you,

Ashley Westfall, Business Office Assistant

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