Nate Angell talks about joining STEM’s Board of Directors


Nate Angell, who recently joined STEM’s Board of Directors as its newest member, says he has always been passionate about education and believes that many of the challenges in the world can be overcome thanks to a strong education. Angell says his passion and interest in improving society were two of the main driving factors in his willingness to join the board.

“I think it’s really an important thing,” he said.  “School choice is something I’ve always been interested in.  A lot of my family members went to a different high school than I did actually, and had that opportunity to do so, and I think it’s a good opportunity to enable other families to take advantage of it if they so choose.”

Angell talked about what he is most looking forward to in his new role.

“When the STEM board kind of reached out to me, and I’m a strategic advisor for a family foundation here in Denver, and they had reached out to us looking for board members to help with some of the growth strategies of the school,” Angell said.  “So I’m really looking forward to working on that and kind of helping achieve some of those growth goals.”

Angell said to achieve those growth goals, he believes a lot of it will come down to talking to people, networking, and connecting to the right people, and work on those things together.  He says he’s also very excited to help grow some of the extracurricular activities at STEM.

“I participated in a number of extracurricular activities in high school and college,” he said.  “And I made some of my best friends from those out of the classroom experiences that I had, so I’m really excited about working on that prospect as well.”

To see Nate’s full interview, check out the video below.

Nate Angell says he is looking forward to helping STEM grow, including with extracurricular activities
Nate Angell says he is looking forward to helping STEM grow, including with extracurricular activities

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