Reminder of STEM’s Virtual Weather Day Procedures

STEM's Weather Policy Image

We are actively monitoring the current winter storm and wanted to remind our families of our Virtual Weather Day procedure.

If DCSD calls a Delayed Start due to weather, STEM will initiate our Virtual Weather Day procedure, which means that students and staff do not come to campus and will conduct coursework remotely. Teachers will post instructions and assignments to Canvas Courses for students to complete. Questions about a student’s assignment should be directed directly to the teacher. Students will follow the normal bell schedule for that day.

Due to the delayed start at the beginning of the school year that has impacted our required academic minutes, if DCSD calls for a SCHOOL CLOSURE due to weather, STEM will operate on a Virtual Weather Day instead. This decision was made to prevent having to add additional days at the end of the school year to make up for a snow day.

We do our best to inform you with an Infinite Campus message as soon as DCSD has made the decision. Additional platforms to stay informed include our website ( and our social media channels. (Facebook: @https://stemschoolhighlandsranch); Twitter: @STEMSchoolHR)

Please reach out with any questions to

Thank you,

STEM School Highlands Ranch Communications

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