Upcoming Events
STEM All-Events Calendar
Please take a moment to check the STEM All-Events Calendar on our website.
There are lots of events already scheduled so please take a moment to take a look at the calendar to familiarize yourself with some of the events at the start of school. This calendar will continue to be updated throughout the summer as we get closer to the start of school.
KOSON/STEM Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, May 14, from 5:30-7 p.m. – Mechatronics Lab in P-TECH/KOSON Building & Zoom
The KOSON/STEM Board of Directors will be holding its Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, May 14, from 5:30-7 p.m. in person and via Zoom. The BOD is comprised of parents and community members who volunteer their time. The Board’s role and purpose is to provide oversight of the KOSON Schools Chief Innovation Officer, who implements the policies set forth by the Board. The Board also provides support and direction for STEM’s long-term vision and mission. Additionally, the Board is active in making sure that KOSON Schools remains in compliance with all DCSD, state and federal compliance requirements, as well as STEM School Highlands Ranch’s Charter Contract.
Meetings are open to anyone to attend. Anyone who would like to address the Board Members must sign-up in advance by completing the Public Comment Form no later than 12 p.m. the day of each Board meeting. If written testimony or a handout is submitted, presenters are asked to supply one (1) copy via email to communications@stemk12.org.

Middle School Pep Squad Information Night
Lily Williams and Pamela Taylor are starting a Middle School Pep Squad / Cheerleading Team. On Wednesday, May 15, at 5:30 p.m. in Room E136, there will be an information night for students and parents. Tryouts will be held the third week of school in August!
Please park in the Elementary School Parking Lot and enter through the Athletics Entrance, head to the end of the Commons area, and make a right down the Middle School downstairs hallways to room E136.
Contact pamela.taylor@https://stemk12.org or lily.williams@https://stemk12.org.
STEM SAC Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, May 15, at 5:30-7:30 p.m. – KOSON/P-TECH Building (Mechatronics Lab)/Zoom
The meeting will also be available to watch via Zoom. In-person participation is strongly encouraged to help build engagement. Additionally, those who would like to participate in Public Comment must do so in person.
The purpose of the SAC is to inform, encourage, and provide opportunities for parents and community members to be involved in the planning and evaluation of the school’s instructional program and quality improvement processes. The SAC makes recommendations concerning the School’s performance, improvement, priority improvement, or turnaround plan, and meets to discuss the implementation of the School’s plan and other progress pertinent to STEM’s accreditation contract with the Board of Education. The SAC makes recommendations to the director for prioritizing the spending of school money.

DEI Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 16, from 4-5:30 p.m. – Room ES 206
STEM’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will have its monthly meeting on Thursday, May 15, starting at 4 p.m. We will meet in ES206. We welcome all parents, students, and teachers! Email kate.jackson@https://stemk12.org with any questions.

News and Updates

May Access Update
Wow, it’s hard to believe that May is right around the corner, and we are headed into the final weeks of the school year. There is so much going on this time of year for students, everything from preparing for finals, Field Days, field trips, graduation, and still so much exploration and learning. As we enter into this last stretch of the school year, we encourage everyone to be mindful of taking time to support rest and stress levels that can come with the change of seasons and the excitement and anticipation of Summer Break. Our students have been spending time in Access discussing the importance of self-care and strategies for caring for themselves in times like this.
As we look ahead to ACCESS in May, students will continue to reflect on resiliency and self-care and will spend some time journaling about the self-care strategies they will consider implementing for the remainder of the school year. We encourage parents to have follow-up conversations with their students about this learning and reflection. The remaining Access class period will be focused on preparing for finals, getting caught up on any missing assignments, doing Canvas checks with teachers, and studying. We hope students use this time to prepare for a successful end of the year.
Concurrent Enrollment - CSU Extended Studies
STEM has partnered with CSU to bring our students additional concurrent enrollment (CE) opportunities for the 2024-25 school year. For Fall 2024, CSU is offering GEOL 110, Introduction to Geology – Parks and Mountains (GT-SC2) or SOC 100, Introduction to Sociology (GT-SS3). Both are 3 credits and guarantee transfer courses. For more information or to register, please reach out to Nicole Ryan at nicole.ryan@https://stemk12.org.
Computers for Sixth Graders next year
We’re excited to announce that sixth graders at STEM next year will be provided with a laptop from STEM, so they will not need to purchase their own laptop. More information will be shared in the coming months about the type of laptop and distribution.
Looking for aspiring engineers
Would you like to experience life as an engineer? Horrocks Engineers is seeking 2 to 3 high school students to join their project team for the Girls in Construction event held in September. Students will be part of the planning and execution of the project, and gain real-world experience while working alongside a team of engineers. Initial planning will start in May, with construction during summer. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to Nicole Ryan at nicole.ryan@https://stemk12.org.
Summer Programming Opportunities
Are you looking for something to do over the summer? Below are a few ideas to get you started. The following organizations are currently taking applications for their summer programs.
- NEW – Summer of Emerging Tech by The Coding School. Summer programming is currently open for middle and high school students interested in learning more about quantum computing, emerging tech, data science (HS only) and AI (HS only). Click here for more information and to register.
- UC Denver, GenCyber Summer Camp – Application is currently open for the free online program being held July 15-19.
- Colorado Health Careers Academy (CHCA) in conjunction with ACC and other healthcare partners are hosting a summer program for students to explore health careers. Information sessions are available through May. If you are interested in a career in healthcare, click here to learn more.
- CU Science Discovery is offering summer classes for high school students at their CU Boulder and CU Anschutz locations. Programming includes Aerospace, Biotech, Computer Science, Forensics, Neuroscience, Biomed Research, Medical Student Experience and more! Summer Scholarships are available. Learn more on the CU Discovery website.
- Space Foundation Discovery Center – Are you between the ages of 10 – 14? Are you looking for something to do this summer? If so, join the Space Foundation for two exciting Free student programs. Students will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on educational opportunities, while exploring space activities. Click here to learn more.
As a reminder, you can continue earning college credit by taking a course through one of our partner institutions. Please reach out to Nicole Ryan at nicole.ryan@https://stemk12.org with questions. Registration for Arapahoe Community College opens March 11th for Summer and Fall courses.
Summer Job Hunt Boot Camp
Arapahoe/ Douglas Works is presenting a no cost Summer Job Hunt Boot Camp supporting young adults aged 14 – 18. Learn from experts gaining skills focused on career exploration, labor market information, resume building and interview skills. Review the attached flyer for more information and to register.
MSU Fall 2024 Virtual Network Classes
Metropolitan State University, Denver is not enrolling for their Fall 2024 Virtual Network classes. Virtual Network classes are asynchronous online courses, that use the Canvas platform. MSU is offering the courses below for fall. As a reminder tuition is covered by STEM, and there are no additional course fees (excluding textbooks), providing more concurrent enrollment opportunities for our students. If you are interested in registering for Fall 2024, please reach out to Nicole Ryan before summer break at nicole.ryan@https://stemk12.org.
- AAS 1010: Introduction to Africana Studies (GT- SS3)
- ANT 1010: Introduction to Biological Anthropology (GT-SC1)
- ASL 1010: Sign Language I
- SWK 1050: How to Change the World (GT- SS3)
(GT courses are Guaranteed Transfer courses, and will transfer to all Colorado public colleges and universities. Degree transferability is determined by transferring institution. It is recommended to reach out to the college/ university to ensure it is applicable to your degree plan).