Upcoming Events
STEM All-Events Calendar
Please take a moment to check the STEM All-Events Calendar on our website.
There are lots of events already scheduled so please take a moment to take a look at the calendar to familiarize yourself with some of the events at the start of school. This calendar will continue to be updated throughout the summer as we get closer to the start of school.
Monthly DEI Committee Meeting
Monday, Oct. 24, from 5-7 p.m. – High School Commons & Zoom
If you’re interested in getting involved in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at STEM, we encourage you to attend to find out more information. Email amie.mcelroy@https://stemk12.org with questions.
Parent Coffee with Administration
Tuesday, Oct. 25, from 8-9 p.m. in the ES Cafeteria
Join us for our monthly Parent Coffee with Administration from 8-9 a.m. in the Elementary School Cafeteria. This is your opportunity to get to know our administration team, ask questions and learn more about the ins-and-outs of STEM. Please park in the ES parking lot and check-in at the Elementary School Front Office.
STEM Trunk or Treat Event
Friday, Oct. 28, from 5-7 p.m. – Elementary School Parking Lot
Join us for our annual Trunk or Treat Event on Friday, Oct. 28 from 5-7 p.m. in the Elementary School Parking Lot. No sign-up is necessary for trunkers to join. It’s first-come, first-serve for all trunkers who wish to take part. Set-up is from 4-5 p.m., with the event running from 5-7 p.m. Clean up will be from 7-8 p.m. This is a great event for all so come dressed ready to get some candy and have fun!
We’re also looking for candy and juice donations. Please click the button below to sign-up to donate an item.
STEM Theater Presents: Little Women
November 10 & 11, at 6:30 p.m., & November 12, at 3 p.m. & 6:30 p.m.
Mark your calendars!
Jo March isn’t your typical Victorian lady. She’s indecorous and headstrong, and one day she will be a great American novelist. As she and her sisters grow up in the middle of the Civil War, they strive to be brave, intelligent, and imaginative young women. But as adulthood approaches, each sister must negotiate her private ambitions with society’s expectations. In a war-torn world defined by gender, class, and personal tragedy, Jo March gives us her greatest story: that of the March sisters, four dreamers destined to be imperfect little women.
Tickets are $10. Links to purchase tickets will be provided soon! Contact Max Schwartz (max.schwartz@https://stemk12.org) with any questions.
News and Updates
Help us Spread the Word! Prospective Spartan Showcase Night on Thursday, Nov. 3
Our Prospective Spartan Showcase Night is the community’s opportunity to see what our STEM Secondary School is all about. Our teachers and students will be on hand to showcase all of the different opportunities and offerings that are available to students in our Secondary School (grades 6-12). This event is for Prospective and New to STEM Families for next year and the years to come.
We’ve invited families in fifth and eighth grade across the district with a postcard (image to the right), but this event is open to any new student/family who is interested in finding out more about our sixth through 12th grades. We’ll also showcase our Career Discovery program, which provides High School students with career-path development and opportunities.
Help us spread the word throughout the community!
We’re also offering the opportunity for future high schoolers to take part in our High School Shadow Days on November 11 & 18, and December 2 & 9 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Interested participants should scan the QR code on the flier to the right to sign up.
Free Chromebooks for Free-Reduced Lunch Students
We are happy to share that we will be offering students who are part of the Free and Reduced Lunch program the opportunity to get a Free Chromebook if the following parameters are met:
- Chromebook is signed out by a parent
- The student must remain enrolled at STEM for three years. (if the student leaves STEM during those three years, they will need to return the laptop)
Laptops can be kept over the summer. For more information, please email ashley.westfall@https://stemk12.org to confirm your Free and Reduced Lunch Program status. Not sure if you qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch? DCSD recommends that you apply regardless so that they can assist you further. Click the button below to access the application.
Computer Science Honor Society Movie night Poll (HS Students Only)
CSHS is interested in gaining interest from STEM High School Students on hosting a Move Night either at the AMC Movie Theater or at Civic Green Park. High School Students Only, please complete the interest form via the button below so that we can gather feedback on the time, date and movie. Cost would by $10 per person. Please contact Chris Steines at christopher.steines@s.https://stemk12.org with any questions.
Secondary Yearbook Information
This school year will live forever in your yearbook. Buy a yearbook. It’s easy.
Yearbooks may be purchased at yearbookforever.com
Enter STEM School Highlands Ranch and click on Buy a
Yearbook. Follow the directions online. Enter your name and credit card, debit card or PayPal information, and click
Cost: $45 until October 31, 2022, $55 thereafter
If you want to personalize the book, namestamping starts at $6 extra and must be purchased before January 29, 2022.
Contact Michelle Vitale the STEM Secondary Yearbook Advisor at michelle.vitale@https://stemk12.org.
After purchase, you will be emailed a confirmation receipt. You may also verify your order at yearbookforever.com by entering your email in the “Find an Order” field.
Parent and Student Learning Mastery Gradebook Video Tutorial
Fundraiser to Support STEM Spartan Lacrosse
The HRHS/ STEM Boys Lacrosse team is raising money to help support equipment & uniform needs, event fees, coaches salaries, and more. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for our players and we appreciate your support!
These beautiful evergreen wreaths/swags will be delivered locally (in the Denver Metro area) by the Lacrosse Team the week after the Thanksgiving holiday when you order from the “Local Delivery” section.
If you live outside the Denver Metro Area, please order from the “Direct Delivery” section. These items will ship directly to you within 2 weeks after the Thanksgiving Holiday.
At this gift giving time of the year, don’t forget that live evergreen wreaths make a lovely gift for anyone – family members, friends, clients and more. Please feel free to share our website with others as well.
Happy shopping!
Click the link below to place your order! The order deadline is Saturday, Nov. 5.
Updated Snow Day Policy
As the winter season approaches, we want to announce updates to the current Virtual School Day for Inclement Weather policy. Last spring, one of our STEM students presented a proposal and justification regarding changes to our current Virtual School Day policy. As a result, the administration and Board of Directors determined that a change is recommended to the Snow Day Policy. We appreciate the leadership and voice our STEM students display and are happy to announce that STEM will follow the DCSD Snow Day policy with a closure. STEM also reserves the right to modify the calendar, schedule, or this policy, due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather or construction that interrupts the required instructional minutes as set forth by the Colorado Department of Education. The following is a reminder of the current policies.
Late Start Schedule
STEM does not mimic the Late Start Policy and schedule put forth by DCSD. In the event that Douglas County calls for a Delayed Opening, STEM’s Virtual School Day Policy will take effect.
Virtual School Day for Inclement Weather
If DCSD determines that the district should follow the Delayed Opening protocol, STEM School Highlands Ranch will abide by its Virtual School Day Policy. When it snows, our school’s operation and instructional expectations will be determined by one of these three scenarios:
- Updated: Snow Day – Douglas County Schools calls a snow day – STEM is closed (check www.dcsdk12.org)
- Late Start Day – Douglas County Schools calls a Late Start day – STEM is closed and implements a Virtual School Day.
- All Schools Open – Douglas County Schools declare Highlands Ranch area schools open – STEM is open and operating to our regular schedule.
Update about Secondary Student IDs
- Replacement IDs if lost/stolen: Students who have lost their ID should complete the Secondary Student ID Replacement Form to order a replacement. IDs are free for the first one and $5 for any duplicates. Duplicates will be printed by the front office and students will be notified when they are ready for pick up.
- Lanyards and pouches: Lanyards and pouches can be picked up at the Secondary Front Office. Please show your student ID to receive one.
Calling all Industry Experts, Parents and Community Members!

Secondary Tardy Policy Update/Reminder
Thank you for your patience and positivity during our first two weeks of school. Our students are genuinely excited to come to school, and it is absolutely wonderful to see their smiling faces each day.
This year, I am proud to report that most of our students are arriving at school and to their classes in a timely manner. Starting Monday (baring any impacts from weather), our new breezeway will connect the two buildings, resulting in shorter paths between classes. Now that students have a feel for the distance between their classes, our staff has been instructed to implement STEM’s Tardy Policy.
Many families looking for the next school for their student find STEM School Highlands Ranch through the website Niche.com. Niche is offering a chance to win $1,000 to complete a short survey about why you love STEM to be included on our school profile. Click the button below to take the survey and enter for your chance to win. The survey is open to students, parents and recent alumni. The deadline is October 31, 2022.
$50,000 Niche.com Scholarship Opportunity
Covering the cost of college without writing a single essay? Sounds too good to be true! Niche is giving one student $50,000 to help pay for tuition, housing, books, and other educational expenses. Apply below for your chance to win so you can focus on what matters instead of worrying about finances. Good luck!