Sharing Our Good News (08/11/23)


Tissues and tears (but also a lot of smiles) as STEM Kindergarteners begin new school year

Tissues and tears!
Friday was the first day for STEM Kindergarteners. While there were a few tears, there were certainly more smiles once they got inside and began meeting their teachers and meeting new friends. There’s nothing quite like the first day of Kindergarten! These little ones are embarking on what will be an exciting and innovative journey that will deliver so much growth and lasting friendships along the way. Welcome to STEM kindies!

Douglas County adds new drop-off and pick-up location for STEM parents

Attention STEM parents, we have great news!
There is a *brand new* drop-off and pick-up option along Bluepoint Road in the Eastbound lane. Bluepoint Road is still a two-way traffic lane, but workers with Douglas County have added a pullover lane to allow for the pick-up and drop-off of students. We hope that by adding this, parents will avoid using Grammercy that is currently causing congestion. This will be a great option for parents who use SSG Chris Falkel Road and travel up Bluepoint Road to Barrons Boulevard. Please watch this video for important instructions on how to safely utilize this new access point.
Additionally, Secondary students will have direct access to enter through the Athletics Entrance.

Highlights from awards ceremony where STEM student Anirudh Rao wins Paradigm World Challenge

STEM 6th grader Anirudh Rao wins Paradigm World Challenge with tornado early detection syhttps://stem invention

Grand prize winner!
Congratulations to STEM 6th grader Anirudh Rao who won the Paradigm World Challenge. The ceremony was held in Los Angeles and Anirudh earned the recognition for inventing an early warning syhttps://stem for tornadoes. He is the youngest to ever receive this particular award, which includes legal consultation to move forward with the patent process.
Anirudh received the grand prize for “Revere” named after the revolutionary Paul Revere for the 5th annual Paradigm challenge.
Revere – an early tornado detection syhttps://stem is based on infrasound sensors and other sensors equipped in a syhttps://stem of drones with arduino and raspberry Pi to alert the weather stations. The syhttps://stem increases the current warning time for tornadoes from about 13 minutes to 40 minutes. Anirudh has been studying the movement of tornado alley for a few years to find that the problem is getting worse with global warming and sufficient warning time can save lives and belongings. He first came up with the idea when his friend’s home in Nashville was impacted by tornadoes.
Anirudh has been working on the prototype for about three years now with feedback from local experts on ways to detect infrasound using an Arduino and feedback from USPTO bringing it step by step to a working prototype. His next steps are to field test collaborating with local weather stations in a designated area and enhance it with AI models to predict tornadoes before the season.
Way to go Anirudh!

DCSD Superintendent Erin Kane visits STEM for first day of school

erin kane visits STEM
Special delivery!
This week DCSD Superintendent Erin Kane stopped by STEM with DCSD Board President Mike Peterson to help welcome students and staff for the big first day back. They also dropped off some literature about the upcoming mill levy. These fliers were sent home with STEM families, so be on the lookout for them to learn more as we get closer to the mill levy.

STEM Staff embrace "Mission Launch" theme with photo booth

"Mission Launch" begins at STEM School Highlands Ranch for the 2023-2024 School Year

Time flies when you are having fun and that’s how it’s going for day one of the new school year! The energy of the first day back is something special. Some new faces, new friends, learning names and forming those relationships that will last far beyond this day. Our staff is excited and embracing the ‘Mission Launch’ theme for the year and have some amazing PBL units planned.

Photo Gallery From First Day of School

Driveline Procedures for STEM Elementary and Secondary Parents

This week STEM Communications released an important video for all STEM families to watch. It walks you through our driveline procedures for both Elementary and Secondary drop-off and pick-up.
Please take a few moments to watch this so you understand the traffic flow and guidelines for the school. This also gives you some examples of what not to do and shows you what an ideal pick-up and drop-off should look like at both Elementary and Secondary.
Thank you for your attention with this and we look forward to relaying traffic updates throughout the new school year!

Jeff Maher

Communications Manager at STEM.

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