STEM Student Sri Abhinav Thatavarthi Honored by Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
STEM student Sri Abhinav Thatavarthi has been honored as one of the brightest students in the world by The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. Thatavarthi was honored for their exceptional performance on the SAT, ACT, or similar assessment taken as part of the CTY Talent Search. CTYuses above-grade-level testing to identify advanced students from around the world and provide a clear picture of their true academic abilities.
Thatavarthi was one of nearly 19,000 students from 84 countries who joined CTY n the 2020-21 Talent Search year. Less than 20 percent of the CTY Talent Search participants qualified for CTY High Honors awards. Honorees also qualified for CTY’s online and summer programs, through which bright students can be from a community of engaged learners with other bright students from around the world.