STEM teachers begin to study Standards Based Learning
At STEM School Highlands Ranch, Michelle Vitale’s 9th grade english class is doing a peer review workshop as part of an assignment where they are writing a short story. At the same time, Vitale is teaching them how Standards Based Learning (SBL) will play into the assignment. With SBL, traditional grading is adapted to a model where students are better able to track their progress.
Elementary & Middle School Spirit Week Photos
Check out some of the photos that were submitted from this week’s Elementary and Secondary Spirit Weeks!
Kindergartners Visited Anderson Farms
Our kindergartners went on their first field trip of the school year, visiting Anderson Farms for Fall Festivities. Check out the photo below of our kindergarten teacher team enjoying their time at the farm.

Parent Volunteer Reads to First Graders
One of our awesome parents went all out for our first graders, dressing up as a character in her favorite book that she was reading to the students. Thank you for your commitment to our students and bringing the joy of reading to life!

Fifth-Grade Students Make Music Boxes
Fifth-grade students in Ms. Nichols’ Music Class infused technology into their learning by using Lego WeDo Kits to build Music Boxes. Check out the images to the right!