STEM Staff Shout-Outs! (11/18/22)

Staff Shout Outs

Each week, members of the STEM Staff recognize their fellow teammates for the elements from the Formula for Character that they were exhibiting. Check out this week’s teachers that were honored.

Nicole Bostel


Nicole is always ready and willing to help adjust website information and updates! She works hard to keep our staff and families aware of things happening at https://stem! Thanks, Nicole!

Srivandana Kilambi


Mrs. K has jumped into her role as a learning support staff member with both feet, and the students are so lucky to have her support in and outside of the classroom.

Mona Loptien


Mona has jumped into her new role this year with such responsibility and patience and I am so grateful to have her a part of our team. She is so kind and caring and we are so lucky to have her!

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