Happy New Year!!! And we are back. I really hope you had a wonderful time off and that you were able to enjoy some time with friends and family. Everyone looks tired this week. The first week back is always tough. But how awesome it is to see everyone here. I am tired, too (even though I took both weeks off)!
For this week, I am probably going to seem lazy to you as I am not necessarily writing anything new. I am actually sharing what I wrote for the December 9th Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe. I really think it is important to re-address that as I have seen a lot of new drivers now driving (excuse the redundancy). I spoke to a couple of them already, but I probably won’t be able to talk to all of them. So please, either show your students this or simply talk to them about it (or both if you prefer).
So, with that in mind, please make sure to remind your students about some good information they need to know if they are new driver’s license holders. All drivers must follow the same rules, but teen drivers have more rules that apply to them:
- During the first six months after obtaining their DL, the driver cannot have any passengers under the age of 21 (unless the passenger is a parent)
- During the following six months, only one passenger under the age of 21 is authorized (Some exceptions apply).
- All teen drivers and passengers must wear seat belts (Traffic Code).
- (From the Teen Driving Restrictions – Colorado DOT) – Teens under the age of 18 are prohibited from using a cell phone while driving. Teens can be fined and may risk losing their licenses. Exceptions include emergency calls to the police or fire department.
- Teens are not to drive at all if they have consumed any amount of alcohol at all. Even the slightest amount of alcohol on a minor is punishable by law.
So, in the middle of the excitement of having a DL and a vehicle, please make sure to talk to your students about these rules. I’ve seen a few students with passengers in their vehicles when they were not supposed to have any. I’ve chatted with them, and hopefully, they understand I am doing this for their own benefit.
Let’s keep working hard to keep our students safe! I am very thankful for having the opportunity to be part of your student’s stories. If you have questions, please email me at gabe.uribe@https://stemk12.org, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Stay warm!
Be safe!
Deputy Gabe