Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe (10/06/23)

Walking the Beat with Deputy Gabe

And October is here. How is that possible? This week was busy and went by quickly, too. Admin invited me to talk to all high school students (Wednesday) and all middle school students (Thursday) about online safety. I had to get some information together and do two presentations in front of many people. I think it went well, and I am thankful to all the students who were present for listening and participating. Don’t worry, I am not focusing today’s Walking the Beat on online safety. I know I covered this topic a couple of weeks ago. Just wanted to share how the assemblies went.

This week, however, I wanted to share a few reminders as we are getting closer to the cold weather (pretty cold today). One of the main things I wanted to remind all of you (and your students who drive) is not to leave your vehicle running and unattended, as I mentioned in other opportunities. That is called puffing. There have been many reports of stolen vehicles due to people leaving their vehicles running and unattended. Also, given that we never know when we are getting snow here in Colorado, chat with your child about driving safely on the snow. Remind them that they are not expert drivers, and the best way to be safe behind the wheel is to, yes, be confident but also be cautious. Going at the speed limit is cool, I promise 😊

One last thing. In a little over a week, we will be able to enjoy the Fall Break. For the last few years, I’ve noticed how our students get so excited about the break. Some students show their excitement appropriately, but for some reason, some students have a hard time showing their excitement the right way. For some reason, we have more students misbehaving right before the break. Just have a chat with your kids and encourage them to do the right thing and to get ready for the break the right way.

Thank you for helping us to keep our students safe! I can’t tell you enough how thankful I am for having the opportunity to be part of your student’s story. Thank you for your trust and your support. If you have questions, please email me at gabe.uribe@https://stemk12.org, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you again for your time…GO SPARTANS!

Be safe!

Deputy Gabe

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