Secondary Student-Discipline Update from STEM Directors

Secondary Student Discipline

Dear STEM School Highlands Ranch Secondary Families:

While not our most trying year, this year has not come without its share of challenges. In order to provide the best possible learning environment for our students, the Secondary Building Directors have developed additional guidelines for student behavior, effective immediately. This plan will give every student the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior and will be in effect at all times. Students will always be given an opportunity to tell “their side of the story.” All student behavior will continue to be tracked in our tracking forms and we will start to document it in Infinite Campus.

The STEM Staff will continue to applaud appropriate behavior with positive reinforcement; however, if a student chooses to misbehave, the Discipline Plan will be utilized. Click here to view the Discipline Plan presentation.

Click here to view the Student Discipline Plan.

All Secondary students were presented with this plan on Friday, Oct. 1 during either the Middle School Assembly or via a recorded video presentation during High School sixth-period classes.

We truly appreciate any support and reinforcement from home. It has been a tough few years for our students, and it is our hope that with a stronger structure in place, more consistency, and a team approach, our students will continue to grow and thrive in our STEM community.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

We are #Stemstrongertogether,

Maura Ridder, Middle School Director (maura.ridder@
Ryan Alsup, High School Director (ryan.alsup@
Christina Wu, Student Support Director (christina.wu@

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