Call for Parent Candidates for STEM’s BOD Annual Elections

The annual election to select one parent board of directors member will be held during the week of May 9. Any parent with at least one student at STEM School Highlands Ranch next school year (August 2022 to May 2023) is eligible to run for this three-year position. If you want to be a candidate, which requires a monthly volunteer commitment of about 15 to 20 hours plus about two charter school board and operations training, please send a short email with a 350-word maximum candidate statement plus your best public contact information, to Rudy Lukez (rudy.lukez@ by 5 p.m., Friday, April 29, 2022.

As a reminder, the nine-member Board of Directors includes three parent-elected members that each serve a staggered three-year term. Terms begin in late May.

Every parent will receive an electronic ballot from an independent certified e-voting service delivered to their email address on file with our school. If your family uses only one email address for electronic communications with our school, additional family parents can ask to be added to the electors’ list just for the upcoming election by sending a request with an explanation to Rudy Lukez by April 29.

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